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Liza Peters, out for drinks, sees a man on the monitor in her son Luke's room. The man shoots Carmen the nanny when she goes to investigate. Fingerprints are found on the back door for Thomas Mitchum, the nanny's ex-boyfriend. The team raids Mitchum's home. He runs but just to dump his drugs in the toilet. Luke isn't there. Mitchum admits he was there but says he was just hanging out with Carmen. He saw a car with several men parked nearby. They're identified as a group of Chechen terrorists. Liza says she doesn't recognize any one of them. Scola is skeptical about Liza's reaction. OA and Tiffany pursue a suspect, Ahkmad Petrov, by car. Nina ends up gunning down a different Chechen on a motorcycle. The terrorists gave a burner phone to Liza. She's not at home anymore. Nina finds a safe behind a fireplace grate. There's cash, credit cards, and six passports under different names in the safe. Liza is a CIA officer. Nina admits to Scola that she's pregnant and he's the father. Liza had worked in Chechnya for two years. Petrov is after propagandist Milana Kerimova, Liza's asset. Liza picks up Kerimova before the squad gets there. They track Liza's rental car with Kerimova sedated in the back seat. Nina decides to take Kerimova's place for the exchange. Petrov sends an underling to the exchange, who doesn't know what Kerimova looks like. He wants Liza to drive both of them to Petrov. Nina and Liza take down the thug. Liza refuses to wait for backup so Nina goes in with her. Liza gets shot in the leg and can't continue. Nina races to Luke but gets caught by Petrov. Scola arrives in time and shoots him. Nina is taking time off to figure out what she wants. 

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FBI Season 5 Episode 6 Quotes

Liza: What are you saying?
Scola: I'm saying that it just doesn't feel random.

Better a hen today than an egg tomorrow.
