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A long-haul trucker is killed protecting a load of ammonium nitrate, which is then taken by two thieves. That fertilizer is often used to make bombs. There's a connectionto a crime by a white-supremacist group which Maggie is attempting to infiltrate. OA fills her in on what's happening. Maggie wins a shooting contest to get invited to the birthday party of the brotherhood leader's son. Maggie finds and takes a hoodie that resembles those worn by the killers. The hoodie has ammonium nitrate on it. Maggie fails to place a tracker on Eric's truck. Maggie sends OA to trail Eric, leaving her without backup. Eric spots OA and runs. Scola and Tiffany cut him off and he's arrested. Eric clams up and asks for a lawyer in interrogation. Eric's truck GPS shows him visiting an abandoned farm multiple times. Tiffany sets off a perimeter alarm and someone takes off on a motorcycle. The ammonium nitrate is in the barn but the bomb is missing. The escaping man is Nick Foster, the seemingly disinterested owner of the gun range. He's the bombmaker. Maggie decides to hang out at the gun range. Nick asks her if she's seen Eric. He invited Maggie for a beer. Maggie hopes to snitch Nick's phone at the bar. Scola switches phones after distracting Nick and Ian copies it. Nick discovers his phone is missing and he gets suspicious of Maggie. From Nick's phone, they discover Deke is driving the bomb to a fundraiser. The team figures out what kind of van Deke is driving. Deke threatens to blow the bomb after he's stopped. Maggie thinks she can talk down Deke. She convinces him to hand over the trigger and surrender. Deke agrees to flip on Eric. Maggie tells OA to stop being overprotective of her. 

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FBI Season 5 Episode 8 Quotes

Jubal: So you want to keep working him from your side?
Maggie: Absolutely.

Deke: You look like a poster.
Maggie: Do I?