Senator's Child - FBI
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Allison Becker, daughter of Sen. David Becker, is abducted late at night in Brownsville. Allison had told her father that some guy had been following her. Adrian Bose, an ex-cop, was following Allison. Analysts locate Bose near the Becker home. Bose has an alibi since he was at a strip club. Bose was doing opposition research for a superPAC against Becker. He gives up his photos. Allison had been volunteering at a halfway house for drug offenders. A resident, Katie Ryan, went missing three days prior. But NYPD Detective Nick Zito blew it off. Katie's mother puts together why there's renewed interest in Katie's disappearance. Maggie and OA find surveillance of Katie's abduction. Agents track the signal from Katie's earbuds and discover both Katie and Allison had been held in an abandoned building. They question Colleen Curtis, the building's owner. She gives up the name of Caleb Vance, the building manager. Caleb had sent $500 to Ray LaForge three days before for two large toy chests. Vance's late addict mother looks like the two abducted women. She used to lock him in a large toy chest. So Jubal thinks he's planning to lock the two women inside the chests. Isobel has Becker put out a public plea seeking Vance or his van. A report comes about Vance gassing up his van. Scola and Tiffany chase him into a nursery but lose him. The woman aren't in his van. Vance is cornered boarding a bus and arrested. But he refuses to tell him where the girls are hidden. Isobel interrogates him. She points out to Vance that Allison is a volunteer counselor, not a junkie. He draws a map where he left Allison. Agents find Allison. Then they find Katie dead in the second chest. Isobel and Maggie tell Katie's mother. 

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FBI Season 5 Episode 21 Quotes

Becker: These agents, they're your best?
Isobel: Absolutely.

What the hell was she doing in a neighborhood like this?

Newstand woman