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Charlie finds herself caught up in a dangerous mission.

She is caught by the people of the tower, taken back, and says that she was going to hide in the walls.

Her 13th birthday is coming up and she wants to find somewhere to live and not have to worry about survival.

Ali is going on a mission and she says that she can help out.

They are caught by Arno's people, but they escape.

However, Ali locks Charlie in an elevator and leaves her for dead.

He ultimately goes back to get her and they build a connection.

At the tower, Charlie faints and we learn that she has radiation poisoning and there's no telling how long she has left.

She is upset but Ali is there for her. They share a kiss because of what he sets up for her birthday.

She then tells Ali she needs to get to the top and show the message to Morgan.

Ali says he will do it and then Howard catches him.

He throws Ali overboard and Charlie sees it happen form the window and screams.

Howard comes back down and says it was Charlie's fault, but June says he better not touch her. She's the nurse and is more vital than him to Strand.

Fear the Walking Dead
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Fear the Walking Dead Season 7 Episode 10 Quotes

Ali: What's Victor looking for out there?
Howard: That's between him and his Rangers. You'll join them when you're ready. Ali: And when's that gonna be?
Howard: When Victor says you are.
Ali: I just thought I'd be closer by now.

Ali: I'm ready.
Howard: I admire your ambition. I know Victor does, too. But everyone has got to start somewhere. To that end.
Ali: Another one?
Howard: No, this is not just any butterfly. This is the Mourning Cloak. Extremely rare. Live for about a year. And Victor has got the perfect spot for it on the shelf. All you've got to do is find one.