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Sandra shows up at court early and meets the other new lawyers being sworn in. 

She is joined by her friends Allison and Seth who are dating each other. 

Sandra asks to go on duty, and is given a case involving a terrorist who tried to blow up the statue of liberty. 

She goes up against Leonard who urges her to accept a plea deal, but she declines and the case goes to trial. 

Sandra learns that the FBI baited the kid and set him up, but it was not enough to get the kid off the hook. 

Leonard won the case, but he looked upset because of his actions in all of it. 

Seth split up with Allison when she went behind his back in the courtroom and got her client off with a crime. 

Seth admitted they were over and moved his things out of their apartment. 

Jill told Sandra that she needed to lose for it to shape which person she was in the courtroom. 


For The People
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For The People Season 1 Episode 1 Quotes

Some of you won't succeed. Some of you are not worthy.


Kate: You're not allowed to eat in here. There's a sign out front.
Jay: I didn't see it.
Kate: Ignorance is no excuse.
Jay: You're a prosecutor, aren't you?