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Isaiah is in the bar chatting up two girls and asks for their drinks to be paid for by him. Rudy grabs the money and says it will settle his tab. Mr Rainy is rude to him and Isaiah tells him to watch out as he will be rich soon enough.

Isaiah gets into his car and is strangled, you can see the killers' cuffs. 

Henry arrives at the crime scene. The car had been set on fire, but the evidence confirms Isaiah was dead before the fire began. 

Isaiah's sister, Ella informs Henry and Jo that her father was a saxophonist and that no one really remembers him. 

Abe remembers him and gives Henry information about him. 

Henry and Jo go to question Rudy and are about to leave, but Henry realizes the guitar has a new string, meaning a guitar string could have been used to kill Isaiah. Henry and Jo find Pepper's saxophone case in the bar and arrest Rudy.

Mr Rainy enters the frame. He says that Pepper didn't own the track and that Lionel made it. Henry notices the burnt hairs on his wrist. He says he got them from a barbecue.

Henry and Jo re examine the car and find a cuff link with the initials 'D B' on them. Joanna links this to Dove Bum records and Mr Rainy is hauled in. His lawyer appears and says they have nothing to hold him, but a flashback helps Henry as he finds the master copy of the track, but it doesn't work.

Abe fixes this by putting it in the oven.

Pepper sees the picture of the cuff link and acts like he knows who it is, but doesn't tell anyone. 

It turns out that Lionel's son knew the song wasn't his fathers and didn't want Isaiah revealing this, so killed him. 

Pepper attempts to kill the man who killed his son, but Henry stops him.

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Forever Season 1 Episode 9 Quotes

Henry: This mans killer has done us a favour.
Jo: oh yeah? Tell him that.

Abe: Rules are rules, Henry. No opera before 8 am.
Henry: It's quarter past 10.