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When Carlos blew up the twister, he freed people that had been held captive there. Shortly after the twister exploded and Carlos was defeated, Richie and Seth are brought before the nine Lords. They give the Geckos the title of the collectors.

6 moons later, we pick up with Seth and Richie trying to get a mid boss, Alonzo, to pay his tribute. He warns the brothers that the game is about to change. Sure enough, it does.

Alonzo calls a meeting with Venganza to complain about Seth and Richie, but it turns out Alonzo isn't in control. Calavera, the skull keeper, has Alonzo's skull, and therefore controls him. Alonzo himself had evolved, and the only way to kill him is to shoot him in the head.

While the Geckos weed out who in their operation is under Calavera's control, Venganza calls a meeting of the Lords, and she takes Freddie along with her as peacekeeper back up. 

Calavera infiltrates Seth and Richie's operation in order to get into their safe and steal an amulet. Richie and Seth track one of the people under Calavera's control back to Calavera and his skull hangout in the dessert.

They realize that Calavera also has Venganza's bodyguards under his control, and that the real target is the Lords. Richie warns Freddie, but it's too late. Brasa, one of the people freed when the Twister explodes, is already there. 

Richie and Seth manage to kill Calavera, but not before Brasa kills all the Lords -- well, everyone except for Venganza. She warns the Geckos that culebras have never lived without their Lords before, so chaos is coming.

The next day Brasa returns to Calavera's hang out in order to retrieve the amulet. Brasa's not alone. He presents the amulet to someone who looks a lot like Kate.


From Dusk Till Dawn
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From Dusk Till Dawn Season 3 Episode 1 Quotes

But for us to deliver, you need to deliver like Fed-fucking-ex.


Seth: You were late on your tribute, and we're the collectors. It's been that way for, what, six months now? Jesus Christ, it's the longest I've ever been stuck on a job since I was flipping burgers at Big Kahuna in high school.
Richie: I flipped the burgers. You bussed the tables.