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Beth and Annie reveal to Ruby that they are holding Boomer hostage in Beth's backyard in a tree-house.

The ladies try to figure out how to get the money to pay back the gang. They decide that Annie needs to ask her wealthy ex. Annie doesn't explain what she needs the money for exactly and he declines to give it to her.

When the ladies meet at the diner to discuss what to do next, Rio is there and tells them that they have until the following day to pay the money back.

Ruby comes up with the idea to ransom Boomer and get his wealthy grandmother to give them the money. Thinking she's not home, they attempt to break in and discover that she is home.

Pretending to be home helpers, they snoop around the apartment but Beth refuses to steal the money, as she feels badly.

Rio and the gang show up the next day and the ladies try to appeal to him with antique figurines they stole from Boomer's grandmother. Fearing death, Beth makes an impassioned plea that saves their lives.

Shortly thereafter, Boomer breaks out of the tree-house. When they find him, Annie takes a picture of his privates and tells him she is sending it to her daughter. She threatens to go to the police with the photo if he goes to the police about them.

Later, Beth finds her son in her backyard with Rio. He asks Beth for help and asks if her and the other ladies have passports.


Good Girls
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Good Girls Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Annie: He knows about the store.
Beth: He was going to the cops.
Ruby: Does he know about the gang, too?
Annie: Hell no, that's way above his pay grade. He's like the definition of middle management.

Beth: Who do we know?
Annie: To rob?
Ruby: To ask for money, Annie!