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The girls prepare for their mothers coming to visit. Mariana spends tons of money getting their living space in order. They also try to make sure everyone is on their best behavior.

Lena reminds Stef to relax and accept their daughters' new home. They get off the elevator in time to overhear an inspector mention that the Coterie is a fire trap waiting to happen.

The girls show their moms around, and they bump into Dennis and his latest sex partner coming out of the shower. Dennis is on Stef's radar as an older man living among all of those young adults and women. She also wonders how old his partner is.

They try to distract moms with the cookies that Aria (Dennis' friend) made, and they don't realize until later that they are cannabis cookies

Stef joins Dennis improv class but keeps screwing it all up. She also keeps making comments about Dennis being creepy later on she apologizes citing that he would understand if he had kids one day, and he breaks down and tells her that he had a kid and perfect life, but his son died from cancer and he never recovered. He stays there so he isn't alone.

Lena wanders into Malika's room. She flashes back to a racist spitting on her while she was campaigning for state assembly. She considers dropping out, but the girls convince her not to.

Malika agrees to cut ties with Mrs. Thompson to protect Callie. Callie was being questioned by Ben, but she kept lying to him. Mrs. Thompson stops by The Coterie, and Callie bolts.

Gael finds her, and they talk. They have been hooking up and talking about life almost every day, but they haven't been exclusive. She tells him she was hurt seeing him with Bryan, and he admits he was hurt by her not wanting to introduce him to her mothers as anything special.

Bryan confides in Davia that he has feelings for Gael and that he has been lying to him about seeing Callie. He feels like he can't compete. Davia lets Gael know that she is protective of her friend.

Moms talk to the girls about life. They encourage Mariana to tough it out and climb the ladder at Speckulate and handle her 20 thousand dollar debt, and they tell Callie to come clean about her relationship with Malika.

Good Trouble
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Good Trouble Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

Gael: You ever afraid you won't be able to live up to your potential?
Callie: All the time.

Moms aren't exactly thrilled about this whole communal living thing. I want them to have a good impression of The Coterie.
