Audrey and Aki Search - Gossip Girl (2021)
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Audrey learns that her mother wants to leave town.

She organizes a night for her mother and her former friends, but her mother complains about it.

Audrey tells her mother she hates her and that she'd turn to her dad for help and thats he wouldn't be moving.

Audrey tries to learn more about how to keep her mother in New York, but she is shocked to get a phone call that her mother attempted suicide.

Aki is worried about Max and Rafa and sets out to get some answers, but Rafa warns him against helping Max. Rafa says he would tell the board Aki is stalking him.

Max tells Aki that he is getting along with Rafa because Rafa's parents ditched him at a young age, but Aki tells him there are photos of them together.

One of Rafa's exes tells Max that he goes after senior students all the time. Max tells him it's over and Rafa grabs him.

Max returns to his friends.

The sisters are going against other sisters to get a coveted title at the Huluween, but Monet leaks the sister's idea and they have to improvise.

They ultimate go as Dan and Chuck.

Things take a turn when some due follows Zoya and implies he's a student at a school where there was a school shooting.

They connect, but Obie digs and finds out he works for Nelly Yuki and Nelly warns them to avoid causing drama because that's what Gossip Girl wants.

Kate deactivates the account but returns and says that everyone has to be nicer so she is deactivating comments.


Gossip Girl (2021)
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Gossip Girl (2021) Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

Gossip Girl here, your one and only, etcetera, amen.

Gossip Girl

Oscar Wilde once said, "Give a man a mask, and he will tell you the truth." Which is why I love Halloween, because what was once created to honor the dead, tends to leave bodies in its wake. For when you don your disguise, the false sense of security it provides, always leads to loose lips that'll sink friends and relationships before dawn's early light. But I don't want to spoil the fun. After all, the biggest scares are the ones you never see coming. See you on the other side, dead or alive.