Aki and Audrey Shocked
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Julien and Zoya continue their feud, and Julien is trying to maintain that she and Obie are together to her followers.

A blast from Gossip Girl derails her plan and she puts up a photo of them to make sure everyone thinks everything is fine.

Obie visits Zoya and gets her family to go to the school event, where the sisters and the fathers bump into each other.

This starts a wild chain reaction of events, but ultimately the sisters unite and the fathers realize they need to be strong for their daughters.

Audrey is mad when her mom doesn't show up at the parent-teacher event, but she promises to show up for the next one.

Her mother quickly gets drunk and causes some problems by sitting on the knee of someone else. She cuts her hand on a glass.

Audrey takes her home, but Aki does not support her, leading to a big turn of events when she said she needs someone who will support her decisions.

The next morning, it is revealed she slept with Max.

Max pursues his teacher, stalking him at the sauna and uses Aki to make him jealous.

Aki and Max make out and Aki has an erection.



Gossip Girl (2021)
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