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On this episode of Gotham…

A cop brings Jim a murder case, saying he was inspired to try and clean up Gotham like Jim.

After some investigating, Harvey learns that the murder was by a serial killer known as the Ogre and tries to convince Jim to drop the case. The Ogre comes after the people investigating him.

Jim realizes that the commissioner sent him the case, but Jim refuses to back down. He threatens to come after the commissioner next.

Oswald makes a deal to be a part owner at a restaurant. He wants to kill Sal Maroni there.

Bruce tries to find Reggie, who stabbed Alfred. He wants to know why, and Reggie reveals who is behind the attack.

Selina, who helped Bruce find Reggie, drops his medicine out the window. Reggie tries to get it and threatens that he will tell on them.

Bruce almost pushes Reggie out the window but stops. Selina pushes him out.

Fish escapes the Dollmaker’s island. She gets shot in the process.

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