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Danny sees Sky's car and gets hit by a car in the process of chasing it down.

Ingrid asks Javi for six hundred dollars for an appointment, but Javi hasn't told his dad yet.

Danny delivers a pastry to Alicia.

Carolina is putting the moves on Danny.

A rival hotel has toxic mold, so Santiago is trying to steal one of their clients.

Santiago wants Gigi and Alicia to work out their differences. 

El Rey threatens to go elsewhere if Alicia can't meet his crazy demands.

Mrs. P thinks Mateo wouldn't fire Ingrid because she and Javi are seeing each other.

A man leaves a note on Mateo's desk asking for two hundred thousand dollars or they will reveal what he did to "that girl'. 

Ingrid is the one driving Sky's car. 

Jason reassures Danny that Ingrid is not responsible for Sky's dissapearance. 

Javi goes on Santiago's business trip with him, in hopes of telling him about Ingrid.

Javi runs into an old high school friend while trying to recruit the baseball team.

Gigi is micromanaging Alicia.

When Javi hits a baseball, Santiago feels guilt over causing the loss of his leg. 

El Rey drives a motorcycle through the hotel.

Danny questions Ingrid about Sky's car. Ingrid claims she bought it from her grandpa.

Gigi punishes Alicia for disobeying her, leading to a fight regarding Alicia's mother. 

Carolina and Yoli are crashing the staff drinks so Carolina can pursue Danny. 

Alicia and Mrs. P decide to go for drinks with the staff too. 

Yoli wants to bond with Carolina, but Carolina's sole focus is Danny. 

Ingrid says her and Sky were close. 

Ingrid has Sky's credit card.

Ingrid and Sky were roommates, and Ingrid is holding onto the idea that Sky is alive. 

Danny wants to search Ingrid and Sky's apartment to see if he can figure out what the key he found opens. 

Instead of going to search the apartment Danny stays to have a drink with Alicia. 

The man who Mateo thought left the note in his office really didn't, he just thought Mateo had a thing for him.

Alicia and Danny are flirting at the bar. 

El Rey threatens to quit, forcing Alicia to leave Danny and go to the hotel. 

Javi and Santiago overhear the baseball players making fun of Javi, and he kicks the team out. 

Gigi acknowledges that Alicia was right after El Rey quits. 

Danny turns down Carolina, but not fast enough for Alicia to catch him in a compromising position coming out of her room. 

Someone broke into Ingrid and Sky's apartment and knocks out Jason. 

Alicia and Gigi brought El Rey's mom in to set him straight. 

Danny finds a part of a love letter left behind outside of her window. Jason and Danny think whoever broke in was trying to get that letter back.

Mateo tells Santiago about the note.

Beatriz revealed to Gigi that she did something that Santiago would kill her for. 




Grand Hotel
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Grand Hotel Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Santiago: The way we sit you have a world-class, you need a world-class hotel.
Javi: Yeah, one without mold.

Carolina: Oh my god, you poor thing. What happened to your hand?
Danny: Oh it's fine, I uh, took a spill when I was jogging this morning.
Yoli: Well she's not a doctor, but let her know if you need someone to kiss it and make it better.