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Guiding Light
Episode Recap, 6.3.08

Today on Guiding Light, Reva tells Jeffrey how important he is to her. Showing him the form he needs to fill out to order his new uniform, Frank suggests Mallet take two weeks off before returning to work but Mallet refuses and is shocked by how low his new salary is.

Bringing Jeffrey a burrito, Frank advises Jeffrey that his fingerprints were not found on the gun used to shoot him. Later, while Frank packs his things to move into a cheaper place, Mallet informs Dinah that Frank resigned as chief.

Mallet then brings her some of her things he found and announces that he's got to change from within. She urges him not to take the blame for the things that she did. The two have an emotional goodbye. Ava tells Olivia she's thinking of Gabrielle as the name of her unborn baby.

Bringing him a pair of slippers to use, Olivia suggests to Jeffrey it would be odd to have Josh officiate at his and Reva's wedding. Remy laughs at the idea when Lizzie vows to beat her enemies. Lizzie seeks Reva's help getting even with Bill but gets nowhere.

She then seeks Jeffrey's legal help on her defense team but he reminds her he can't work for her because he's the D.A. He adds that Bill is with his daughter and points out that he's also been shot.

Unimpressed, Lizzie asks if he can recommend someone. After warning Olivia about her vow of destruction, Lizzie confronts Bill and warns him too. Reva tries to talk with Jeffrey about their wedding plans but he decides that they should wait until he's back on his feet.

After Mallet admits that he resigned as chief, Remy welcomes him to the "land of the little people." After assuring Jeffrey that he's going to take care of his daughter, Bill brings Ava dinner and is joined by Dinah.

Until tomorrow on Guiding Light ...

Guiding Light
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