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Alan tells Lizzie that her father is back and now sits in jail. Lizzie confesses that she called the police on him.

She says she wasn't sure why he came back to Springfield.

Lillian calls with the news about Coop dying. Alan assures Lizzie that their family will come out of this stronger than ever, especially Beth, and urges her to stay away from the Cooper family.

Beth returns to the hospital to see Coop and is shattered to hear she's too late. As she runs to his bed, Buzz suddenly realizes that he'll never talk to his son again.

At Company the next day, Buzz explains to Frank that he needs Phillip out of jail because he's the only person who can make Alan pay.

Frank urges him to move past this. Searching through Coop's car, Buzz is emotional to find a photo of him with his son in the glove department.

At the station house, Olivia tries to work up the courage to confront Phillip. She advises Mallet that she fears Phillip is going to take Emma from her.

Hearing about Coop, Mallet gives Phillip the news.

Later, Olivia advises the judge that she'll testify against Phillip. Beth announces to Alan that she is done with him.

Though she claims that Coop was the only person who understood her, Alan argues taunts her that he was just a substitute for Phillip.

Her bags packed, Beth walks out on Alan and stops by to see Phillip, admitting she doesn't know what she's going to do now.

Cyrus agrees to keep Lizzie from calling Bill while Lillian convinces her to stay away from Buzz for now.

Marina confides to Mallet that Coop's death has given her thought about adopting but he pulls out a photo album to remind her of the good things that happen.

She suggests they name their child Henry if they have a boy.

What happens next? Check out our Guiding Light spoilers!

Guiding Light
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