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Natalia and Olivia consider telling Rafe about their relationship. Buzz convinces Frank to attend today's hearing.

When it gets underway, Natalia makes an impassioned plea for the judge to allow Rafe to come home.

After it's decided that Rafe must have a strong male figure in his life, Frank suddenly enters the courtroom and offers to be that person so Rafe is given his freedom.

As Rafe thanks him, Frank assures him that he's taking this mentor ship seriously. Later, he watches her and Olivia embrace.

Alan suggests to Phillip that it might be good for Bill to go to prison but Phillip warns that they are coming after James for what he did.

He mentions the loan he arranged and Alan confides that he stopped it.

Alan's impressed to hear how James arranged the Ponzi scheme. Daisy brings James to Grady's place and suggests he use it as an art studio.

He's not interested and claims this is her trying to erase some bad memories. Daisy admits that she doesn't like his grandfather while James claims that his father can handle Alan.

Phillip calls James to come home since Alan canceled the money transfer. In Chicago Lizzie ends up in jail with Bill who denies having anything to do with any money scheme.

She apologizes for thinking he's guilty.

When she calls Phillip about their troubles, he hurries to Chicago and leaves Alan to watch James.

James arrives so Alan tells him Phillip left to be with Lizzie and claims he'll always choose his daughter over his son. Phillip writes a check to solve Bill and Lizzie's problem with the enraged investor.

Until tomorrow on Guiding Light ...

Guiding Light
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