The Dancing Detective: A Deadly Tango Leads - Hallmark Movies & Mysteries Channel
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Uh oh! A man dies at a hotel, seemingly from being poisoned. His name is Mr. Astin, and he's the brother of a US senator.

Detective Constance Bailey's chief calls her into his office. He thinks she's obsessive and worries that she can't keep a partner. She hasn't had a promotion in five years, and it's due to her inflexibility.

Can she go with the flow if she's sent to Malta to investigate Mr. Astin's murder? She assures him she can. He reminds her to tread lightly and collaborate.

Bailey lands in Malta and is almost run over in the street by a freewheeling gent. She got his plate number, but she won't have to look far to find him.

Bailey discovers part of her investigation will be competing in the corporate teambuilding event, which is a ballroom dance competition. She's getting information from all directions, and she's already feeling off-kilter.

Bailey wonders if Sebastian is famous if he might blow her cover. No, she's assured. He's only famous in his own mind.

He certainly has a unique style of teaching. Sebastian is quite a character. He watched all the great detectives, including Starsky and Hutch, so he's feeling pretty comfortable with the assignment. Bailey tries going with the flow.

When he pulls around with the car, she realizes how she recognizes him. He calls her a jaywalker.

Sebastian has chosen Stuart and Sally McMillan as their undercover role models, changing the last name to Miller. He tries on a lot of accents to hone his character. He's totally into it.

Mark's wife, Mary, kisses a man.

The other company employees are shocked Bailey, a new employee, was invited to this production-based event. They claim to be one big happy family, but their side looks say otherwise.

A couple of employees admit they weren't fans of Astin, and this might work out very well for them.

Bailey's dance lessons commence with Sebastian chatting her ear off. She takes to heart that he said your expressions tell a story, and he catches her practicing in the mirror.

Sebastian wants to split up the interviews. It would look strange if she questioned them all anyway.

They both consider that Kevin might be having an affair with the widow, Mary. He's known Mary since they were teenagers.

Bailey and Sebastian catch up after their interviews. She's not looking forward to the first round of competition tonight. She's even less excited when she comes down the stairs in a dress Sebastian picked for her. She feels silly.

The dancers have their claws out. They learn that Tom is a relatively new CFO, following in the footsteps of the former, who died a year prior.

Sebastian and Bailey get points for chemistry after their first dance. Then Sebastian and Tom hit the bar while Bailey and Jennifer discuss shoes.

Jennifer thinks Tom is ambitious enough to take Mark's place.

There are only six couples left after the first round, and Bailey jumps to her feet to hug Sebastian, taking him by surprise.

The hotel employee tells them that the last person to see Astin alive was only with the hotel one day.

Bailey gets Anna up to speed, handing over her suspect list, asking her to do background checks on them, including the former CFO.

Jennifer and Tom are mildly suspicious of our detective duo.

Bailey and Sebastian were right that the hotel worker might be of interest. After they ask her a few questions, she makes a call, saying she didn't want to stay on, and now she's being scrutinized.

Sebastian calls the tango a walking dance, walking with attitude. He has wonderful memories of his aunt Vera. She taught him to embrace life and characters. She also reminded him that the only things worth doing are when you're helping others.

Sebastian takes Bailey to some water to help her tango. They get soaking wet, but it's a lot of fun, and they achieve their goal.

Mary and Kevin talk about Stuart and Sally. Everyone wonders about them. Mary says that Kevin still has one thing left to do before he gets very rich.

Sebastian and Bailey almost get run over by a very small and very fast car. They nurse their wounds and rest, which prompts Bailey to dream in black and white about dancing with Sebastian. Perhaps she's falling for him! Oh my. It ends with a kiss, and she's kissing her pillow when Sebastian comes back into the room.

Ana wants to meet them at a nearby cafe. She's talking to herself at a separate table, which is weird. Not sure how anyone wouldn't recognize they're together. She does have news that Judy, the hotel girl, is an industrial spy.

They give chase to Judy, who plays stupid. Eventually, she give up Jennifer's name, and the two approach Jennifer, admitting they're looking into Astin's death. They need to know why she hired someone to break into Mark's room the night he died. She was trying to give herself a leg up in the boys' club by looking at his numbers.

Jennifer says it's not her, and she attempts to throw the others under the bus. They have to keep her for a while, so she's taken away.

Bailey shares with Sebastian that her mom died when she was 14, requiring her to be self-sufficient very young. She never got to do things like go to the prom, which is why she's never danced before she met him.

While dancing the tango, they realize the killer is the former CFO's daughter, and that is Barbara, who has been a part of the event since the very beginning. Barbara almost gets the better of Bailey since Bailey's hand was injured.

Barbara felt her father had been worked to death, robbing him of his life and his family of his stock options since he died before they vested.

At the end of it all, Bailey is bummed. They didn't get to do the dance they learned. Sebastian takes care of that in short order, whisking her to a nearby vista-drenched balcony, where they blend in beautifully.



Hallmark Movies & Mysteries Channel
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