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It's Brick's birthday, but everyone in town has forgotten. The town is distracted by helping out Tom and Wanda, who just had their baby. Brick continues to think they are going to surprise him with a party, but keeps getting disappointed. He even has to fill in for Tom's job as a clown at a birthday party. Brick thins he's being led to a surprise party when Wade and Lavon invite him fishing. He gets upset when he realizes Wade only wants some paintings, and Lavon wants approval of his relationship with Lemon. Lavon and Wade let everyone know they forget Brick's birthday. Brick pretends to be surprised when Shelby, his daughters, and the town throw him a last minute party. Brick tells Lavon he approves of him and Lemon. 

Lemon finally gets together with Lavon, but this causes some friction between her and Zoe. Wade and Lavon convince them to try to get along. They end up going to a spa on wheels, but Lemon as a list of demands to split up their time with Lavon. Zoe gets upset with Lemon trying to take away her best friend who feels like family. Zoe had been worrying about not having an heirloom to give to her baby. She feels no sense of family tradition. Wade spends the episode trying to find something from his and Zoe's families to give to their son, but doesn't come up with anything. Lemon feels sympathy for Zoe's situation. At Brick's party, they settle their differences and she gives Zoe a wooden duck that Harley gave to her when she was little. 

George's parents make a surprise visit and find George and Annabeth in a compromising position. However, they are thrilled about this new relationship. George tries to keep his new music management gig a secret from them. George and Meatball may be on the verge of landing a recording contract. His parents eventually find out, and they surprise George by supporting them.

Tom and Wanda feel overwhelmed by their new baby. Everyone takes over their jobs, and Tom has many. Tom gets upset because people are not doing as good a job as he does. He ends up trying to get back to work, but falls asleep at the wheel due to exhaustion. He hits to spa on wheels, but everyone is okay. 


Hart of Dixie
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Hart of Dixie Season 4 Episode 8 Quotes

Lemon: No, me getting together with Lavon has to be like the perfect movie moment with wine and twinkly lights with just the right song coming on at just the right time and the perfect dress.
Annabeth: Okay, well go out and buy the gosh darn dress, Lemon, and make your move.

Wanda: You've [Wade] never held a baby before?
Tom: You are gonna love it. It's the most joyous, magical, but don't you dare drop by baby.
Wade: Okay.