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Michaela calls Connor to the Hapstall mansion and they discuss what to do with the gun they found in the house. Meanwhile, Annalise is trying to track down Catherine but is informed that she has run away. 

Sinclair calls out Nate for doctoring Philip's criminal record and he blows up at her in the middle of the station. She files harassment charges against Nate and he counters by filing a racism suit against her. She asks Nate to meet later and offers him the chance to get back at Annalise. 

After the news about Mr. Millstone's illegal activities and Trotter Lake cover-up hit the newspapers, he takes his own life. His wife ostracizes Asher and he goes to Sinclair to confront her about leaking the information. In a fit of rage, he runs over her and kills her. 

Bonnie helps him cover up the murder and calls Annalise for help. She has Bonnie and Asher bring the body to the mansion and tells the students that they are going to help cover up Sinclair's murder, by exposing them to Asher and detailing how they killed Sam. 

Ultimately, Bonnie and Asher throw Sinclair off the roof. 

Elsewhere, Frank tracks Catherine down and drugs her, while Philip searches for her and ends up outside the mansion. 

Annalise's plan is to blame Catherine for everything, but when she begins to think her plan won't work, she decides that someone needs to shoot her. After baiting Connor, Michaela and Laurel doesn't work, she gets to Wes by telling him that she killed Rebecca. 

Instead of shooting her in the leg like she requested, Wes shoots her in the gut. As she falls to the ground, she whispers the name Kristoff to him. 

A flashback shows a young Kristoff sitting in an interrogation room discussing his mother and her apparent death. Behind the mirror, Annalise and Eve look on. 

How to Get Away with Murder
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How to Get Away with Murder Season 2 Episode 9 Quotes

Sinclair: You enjoy being her little boy toy, don't you? That's why ypu keep running back to Annalise again and again, so she can fight your battles for you. You prefer to have her boss you around. Tell you what to do. Like hire her bestie and kill Nia.
Nate: Keep my wife's name out of your mouth! Say her name again. Say it!
Sinclair: And then what?

Laurel: Annalise, did you know about this?
Annalise: Know about what?
Laurel: Asher's dad killed himself.