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A man gets taken into custody by the US military after ingesting red undetectable explosive material. The Cybercom team is tasked with investigating what material was used, how it works, and who was behind the attack.

They track the red explosive material to a technology company that was developing the explosive for safer mining. The Red-X was stolen from them.

Through video footage they track down the terrorists and they entered the United States. They are targeting the military contractor responsible for killing their family. Gabriel is able to prevent the suicide bomber by pushing him into an elevator shaft where the trigger signal can't reach.

Riley tries to stop the trigger man from getting away, but he's safely driven away by Amelia. Gabriel is furious that Riley shot at Amelia and that Lillian approved it.

Using his rendering abilities Gabriel ties one of the men involved to Mumbai attack that Amelia was involved in. It takes some convincing but Gabriel agrees to return to help in the investigation. They get a clue at a local Mosque. A boy says that the man who was the bomber dropped a visitor's badge for a hospital.

Gabriel and Riley go there and find Amelia. She's the bomb and it's on a timer. Gabriel wants to try and save her, but Riley has to protect him first. She pushes him out a window and they fall into the water below as the building explodes.

Lillian visits the boy at the Mosque and finds out that Amelia gave him the visitor's badge to give to Gabriel.

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Intelligence Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

It is not the chip that is crashing.

Dr. Cassidy

Gabriel: This chess set isn't hiding a bomb.
Lillian: It is the bomb.