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Louis and Lestat sit in the park, and Louis admits that he only wants to eat evil people. And the two scour the streets, reading minds, and find a criminal who Lestat attacks. Louis, though, eats a stray cat instead.

At the Azalea, Louis admits to Lestat that he no longer wants to kill people.

Louis and Molloy discuss Louis's past tapes and the discrepancies in his current storytelling. Louis tells him those former tapes were a performance.

At their home, Lestat seduces Ms. Brown, the singer from the club, prompting Louis to wonder if he's enough for Lestat. Lestat admits that he likes variety, and the two agree they can sleep with whomever they want as long as they always come home to each other.

An ordinance goes into effect that would segregate Storyville further, forcing the black business to move. Louis comes up with a temporary workaround, much to the chagrin of the alderman.

Louis reconnects with his old friend Jonah, and the two hook up in the bayou. Later, when he arrives home, he notices dirt on Lestat's shoes.

Louis visits his family home in the evening after Grace's twin's birthday party, and his mother tells him she doesn't want him there. Louis forces his way into the house, scaring everyone, and Grace tells him to leave.

At home, Lestat is having a party with a group of military men who were forced to leave the Azalea after its temporary closing. Lestat then mind-controls them all to go, and then the two argue as Lestat admits that he follows Louis and Jonah to the bayou and saw them together.

Louis meets with Fenwick and Anderson about his club and realizes that they sold him the property knowing this would happen, and they could then buy it from him cheaply.

Louis retaliates by putting a colored-only sign on the club door.

Louis then goes to Fenwick's and kills him before hanging up his body in town with a whites-only sign.

The town descends into chaos, and Louis runs into the streets and saves a young girl who is dying in a house fire.



Interview with the Vampire
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Interview with the Vampire Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Louis: I don't want to kill people anymore. There it is.
Lestat: A fish that doesn't swim. A bird refusing flight. You're going to struggle. I have faith in the feline population of New Orleans.

Louis: Do you ever think that we, that's to say, our kind, were put on Earth for a larger purpose?
Lestat: I put you on this Earth. Your purpose is to enjoy yourself.