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Liv is on the brain of a tech genius whose primary project was draining the company. He wanted to set up a bunker for carefully selected people that would sustain them for 20 years. 

Peyton was the new name on the list that replaced his personal assistant. They investigate and find that he was paid by The Fixture Man not for Project Z, but for him to reveal information and tech to release information and make it easier for the Deadenders to dox zombies. 

Cornell the tech genius zombie ex is the one who killed him for working with the deadenders. 

The deadenders got a teacher fired when they outed him to his boss as a zombie. Liv had Major take Moss in as a teacher to tutor all the kids in the safehouse. 

However, a mysterious new zombie kidnaps him and wants him to work for him. it's the same zombie who had the French inspector unfreeze Spud and his partner from their punishment in hopes of working with him. When the one partner declines, the zombie kills him. 

Blaine is interviewed by a woman who wants to know all about his life prior to the changes made. She susprises Blaine. She finds a mask in Blaine's office and wants to learn more about it. 

The zombie skit isn't going well. 

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iZombie Season 5 Episode 4 Quotes

Just so you know, I have an alibi.


Teacher: So you're firing me because I'm gay?
Principal: God no, my daughter's gay. Brain dispensary and tanning salon. Parents were complaining. I guess you can't blame them for wanting their kids taught by somebody who is alive.