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Jane's mother pressures her into suing the doctor who inseminated her. Jane doesn't think it is the route she wants to go in, but later changes her mind as she decides the doctor shouldn't be given the chance to do this again.

Petra's affair with Roman hits a rock when Michael reveals to her he seen them, and that she is to end the affair. Roman winds up dead at the hotel later on. Petra reveals that she knows that Rafael stopped loving her when he was in remission.

Jane is shocked to search for Rafael online as she finds out a lot of stuff from his past. She confronts him, but the two reach an understanding. Jane then invites him to a sonogram, along with Petra, her gran, Michael and her mother.

Jane's dad keeps phoning Xo, who confronts him. He says that he wants to meet his daughter, but she refuses at the moment. She tells him she is going through too much and to give it time. Xo is caught sleeping with him by her horrified mother.

It is revealed that Luisa has been having an affair with her stepmother. Rafael puts his hotel up as collateral damage.

Jane the Virgin
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