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Eve has breakfast with the kids, who have different opinions about James.

Lucas tells Veronica he still doesn't trust Virgil. H then asks her to move in with him, but she's not ready.

Scott is keeping watch, and Virgil tricks him into taking a break. He ties a red bandana on a post to signal the Exiles.

Gavin headed towards the Lazurus but hears footsteps. It's an older-looking Levi who returned to rescue them.

Kira gives Ty a tablet for his sessions with James. There's a note to ask James about Project Blue Moon.

Riley tells Sam about the evidence she and Caroline found right before they find evidence that the Exiles were nearby.

The Exiles infiltrate the Clearing throwing people into cars. Lucas sees the red bandana and confronts Virgil.

Sam and others find a woman named Jade who's tied up and said her husband was forced to help the Exiles. It was Virgil. Sam and the others meet up with Gavin and Levi.

The Exiles are looking for something, and Scott is taken prisoner. Veronica freaks out that she'll never get to tell Lucas everything.

The Exiles capture Ella and Veronica, and Lucas tries to stop them. They want a book with green binding, and the girls recognize it.

They think it was buried with Aaron. Taamet says they have until sundown, or Scott dies.

Izzy tries to send Gavin a message in morse code. 

James tells Ty about a recurring nightmare about losing Isaiah. Ty and Kira realize James wants to go back in time.

The trio dug up the grave and found the book. Gavin and others arrived. The book matched Dr. Moore's.

The group arrived at the Clearing as Taamet was about to attack Scott. Taamet ran, but Scott attacked him when Taamet went after Lucas.


La Brea
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La Brea Season 2 Episode 10 Quotes

Tell the others. It’s time.


Eve: Hey guys, I know it’s dangerous down here, but we have to face things as they come. I wish your dad knew that James wasn’t the way to do that.
Izzy: Yes, exactly.
Josh: If there’s even a chance that James can help Mom, we need to look into it. We need to do something, right?