Tom Payne as Julian Emery - Law & Order Organized Crime - Law & Order: Organized Crime Season 4 Episode 13
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Stabler narrates. HE sometimes feels like he doesn't know where he is. The world has become unrecognizable.

Stabler gets up and hears Eli talking to his girlfriend. He leaves while saying to himself that everyone he loves is unrecognizable.  He has flashbacks of Rita's death and of the videos of his father. He says he knows how to do his job and but not the rest of the stuff that makes up life. He has flashbacks of Whelan and of Sam. He is at a grave and says that he feels like the world is spinning too fast and he's barely hanging on as everything and everyone he loves is flying away. We don't see whose grave it is.

Stabler talks to his team. Vargas compalins that the tip is way too vague.

The cops look at CCTV and Stabler wonders why the bad guys are downgrading until Reyes points out the tires are super expensive.

Joe gets an update that the shipment is a day behind schedule.

Eli and his girlfriend visit Randall and Mama Stabler. She realizes that Becky is pregnant. She is happy for them. Randall is shocked.

Becky has made banana bread. Mama sends Randall to get plates and napkins. In the kitchen Eli says they're super excited. Randall says he can count on him for anything... except tell Elliot. Mama wants to have a family dinner. She forgets Elliot's name.

Vargas watches Joe open and close curtains on CCTV and calls Stabler. It's showtime.

Redcoat comes to see Joe when he's supposed to be meeting Stabler on the roof. Redcoat wants Joe to join his family for dinner. He leaves heroin just in case.

Joe runs up to the roof and says Emery showed up. He gives him the heroin and says he has to go to dinner with Emery so he has to miss the family dinner, which Elliot knows nothing about. It's the last time they can meet in person.

Stabler and Bell discuss Joe. They find out where the shipment is. Special Agent Cole wants to get on the ship now and go through containers. Bell says no. COle says it's bad enough we have an addict as a CI. Stabler gets in his face. Bell stops him.

Joe walks in and Emery's son wants him to sit with him.

Randall tries to tell Mama how to eat cheese and crackers. Anyway Eli wants to tell them that he is going to th epolice academy. Stabler finally shows up and half the people leave. Stabler doesn't seem happy that Eli is enrolling in the police academy. Stabler tells Eli to help him with the grill.

Joe and Emery's son play with a remote controlled car and Emery is annoyed when it hits him in the foot. He tells Joe to come over to his table. He wants Joe to go with Toby to unload the goods tomorrow.

Stabler tells Eli it's a lot more dangerous than when he enrolled and he doesn't think it's fo rhim. Eli says he wants him to support his choices. Randall comes over and says stop transferring his fear. Mama and Maureen try to tell him to stop. Stabler has to leave and tells Eli this is what being a cop looks like.

It's time to bust the shipment. Cole shows up and accuses Bell of stealing the bust from him. She warns him they have to be discreet.

Trish complains to Jet about the waiting. Also she wants to know if Jet is involved with "the cute guy." Jet realizes she's talking about Vargas not Reyes.

Reyes says it's all quiet. Emery's car pulls up.  They lose signal but Bell says that confirms it's their guy.

Stabler doesn't like this.

Something weird is happening with the acution website. A distorted video comes up. The voice is distorted and Emery's face is pixelated. He says he doesn't tolerate disloyalty and he has a colleague who betrayed him tied up in a cage. Looks like Tyler. He throws some sort of poison gas in the cage.

The team busts in. The shipment contains tires. Stabler realizes they've been played.

Joe freaks out when Toby says there's a surprise planned for the cops.

Cole spends his time during the briefing insisting that Joe is dirty. Jet says the substance used to kill Tyler is a Soviet weapon, and it is a very potent poison that could kill millions that is now in the wrong hands...

Emery tells Joe they are all leaving now including him but also he wants him to keep an eye on Giles til they take off. Giles whines about his game being too hard. Joe grabs the tablet and manages to send a coded message to the OC Unit. Vargas says Giles is 10 years old (he looks older) and owns the gaming unit.

Joe is nervous as he boards the plane. The cops show up at the airfield and he stands there frozen, then runs toward the plane.

Cole says to stop the plane and gets shot.

Time for a gunfight while the plane takes off. Cole is critically injured in the meantime.

Colin is shot. Reyes makes him open the briefcase he's handcuffed to. There are chemical weapons inside. Reyes calls for a hazmat team.

Jet says that the plane was headed toward Cuba but the signal went off so she doesn't know where Emery and Joe are. However they did get the weapons.

Krychek is dead and he is Sam's killer.

Emery says that Krychek is dead but Joe shouldn't pretend to miss him. The worse thing is that Colin was arrested before he made the delivery. Joe asks what happened? Emery says isn't it obvious? Of course someone tipped off the Feds. Joe asks who? Emery says my money is on... Giles. He laughs and so does Joe. No, they'll ferrett out the traitor. In the meantime, he's promoting Joe to take Colin's place. No, not Giles manny. The new delivery boy.He has another briefcase of chemical weapons. He handcuffs Joe to the briefcase. A woman tells Emery his son is looking for him. He leaves.

Stabler comes home and finds Eli making tea super early in the morning. Eli is a little stressed. Stabler says how many weeks? Becky, he means, how far along is she. He says the ginger tea is a giveaway, he used to give it to Kathy when she was pregnant.  Why didn't Eli tell him?  Eli stares at him, then goes. Stabler overhears Eli saying he doesn't know yet what Stabler thinks.

Stabler goes to the grave. It's Kathy's grave. He says guess who's having a baby?

Law & Order: Organized Crime
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Law & Order: Organized Crime Season 4 Episode 13 Quotes

I feel like the world has changed. I'm doing my best to hold on as I watch everything and everyone I love fly away.


So we're looking for some kind of ship that left from somewhere across the Atlantic that left at some point in the last six months and arrives soon-ish. We're gonna need to narrow this down.
