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Benson is walking with Noah when she gets a call. Another gay man attacked, no report. She calls Fin and asks him to talk to his son at the LGBTQ crisis center. After she gets off the phone, Noah tells her he no longer wants to be on the baseball team.

Fin pays Ken a visit but Ken says the men he works with all have wives and won't want to talk.

A rap star named Mattis goes into a gay bar and freaks out when some drunk guy tries to take a selfie with him. He goes into an alley and is attacked.

Two cops get a call and figure it's a drunk or homeless guy in the alley. They find Matthis shivering. He asks for help.

The new Deputy Chief tells Benson they need more proof. There are no reports. He says he is not worried about the stats. However he needs more. All he will do is increase uniform patrols. Benson gets a text about the newest victim.

Rollins and Benson get to the hospital and have to escape paparazzi. Matthis is not gay as far as anyone knows. His manager says he goes out with a ton of women, a different one each week, but is an ally to the LGBT community.

Matthis is ready to talk with Benson and Fin but has refused a rape kit. He is freaking out. The nurse leaves him with Fin and Benson. Matthis says he doesn't know if he can be of much help.  He remembers getting tased and the assailant pulling down his pants and being called the F word and N word. It was a white guy but he doesn't remember much more. Matthis says he's not gay when Fin tells him about the predator. He is suddenly tired and doesn't want to talk anymore.

Rollins has found the selfie the drunk guy in the bar took.

Rollins talks to the drunk guy who says he doesn't like that Matthis is in the closet.

The Dep Chief wants SVU to get Matthis to say he's gay. Matthis agrees to make a statement and says he doesn't care if people think he's gay.

Fin and Rollins are surprised that Matthis comes out in the statement. He is on TV coming out too. 

Ken comes in with another victim. The new victim has a similar story but the assailant didn't say anything. He says about a month ago some guy approached him to ask for a cigarette and made him feel uncmofrtable. Rollins knocks on the door. Another victim has called Rollins.

This victim also remembers a guy approaching him ahead of time and asking about his wife.

Fin interviews another victim. None of the victims saw the assailant. They were attacked on Tuesdays.

Hadid and Carisi come to see Rollins.

Matthis was the only one on a Friday and who saw/heard the assailant. 

Chief wants to get some UCs. Carisi points out they are not the right profile. Fin suggests the Chief do it.

Everyone is about to give up when the CHief finally gets rid of some annoying guy and a guy who fits the description of the perp approaches and asks him about his wife. He has a taser on him. Fin tells Carisi to get the napkin for DNA and Fin follows the perp. The perp tries to attack the Chief but Rollins and Fin arrest him just in time.

Hadid says she wants Matthis to do a line-up. Matthis seems reluctant but agrees.

Matthis keeps calling out numbers and doesn't ID anyone. Rollins tells Carisi that Matthis kept asking her what number the perp was.

Carisi is worried about the case. Hadid says it's too late, the press knows they have a case.

Moran is remanded pending trial. The defense attorney tells Carisi he has proof Matthis is lying. Now the other cases are not going to be believed.

Matthis is nervous and defensive. His lawyer tells him to leave. Matthis says the truth is he was attacked. 

Rollins tries to talk to Matthis' brother but Vlad stops them.

Matthis' manager says Matthis is a good guy and wouldn't lie about something like this.  Rollins threatens to subpoena all the manager's records

The manager says TMZ was threatening to out Matthis and he threw them dirt on a former client and Matthis faked the attack so he could out himself.

Matthis has some sort of rally where he claims the cops are racist. The Chief Deputy wants him arrested. Benson says that'll spook the real victims. Hadid says they should have come forward. Benson confronts her about her attitude. Hadid says they look bad and she will only give Benson 24 hours. She leaves and Benson tells the Chief Deputy she does not report to Hadid and doesn't care about her deadline.

Benson and Fin are getting nowhere. Benson tells Rollins and Fin to talk to the bar owners. One of the victims shows up and says even if he testified no one wlll believe him. He does, however, tell Fin that Moran had consensual sex with him the first time they met and then Moran went nuts. 

Rollins says the photo is inadmissible if the victim doesn't testify. Benson says she will call Carisi.

Moran gets mad, while the attorney says it means nothing. The defense attorney says no one will believe it anyway because of Matthis. Carisi says it will all come out anyway and if he goes to prison... Moran says he's not gay. Carisi says take a plea or everyone will hear you're a gay guy who attacks the men you have sex with.

The new Chief has got a non-detective for SVU to train. Also Moran has confessed but now he wants charges pressed against Matthis. 

Fin goes to see Matthis. Mathis is upset but FIn says Mathis caused the other guys to come forward. He says he knows something happened to Mathis in the past that caused him to behave this way. 

Benson takes Noah to a dance class. He gives Benson a big smile as he joins the class.


Law & Order: SVU
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Law & Order: SVU Season 21 Episode 3 Quotes

Ken: I shouldn't even be telling you this much, but these men have wives.
Fin: They're on the down low. That's why he's targeting them. He knows they won't want to talk. Tell them we'll try to keep their case as confidential as possible.
Ken: I'm their advocate, not yours.

Benson [on phone]: Fin. I just heard from Mercy Hospital. Another black male, gay, tased.
Fin: Did he report?
Benson: No.
Fin: What are we supposed to do about it?