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The sequel episode begins with news that Sir Toby Moore is finally going to trial -- with an attorney claiming he's the victim of vindictive women who also wants the judge recused when he isn't on her side.

Meanwhile, there are setbacks in other cases, including Ivy Bouche running away and Kat's transgender survivor calling in her girlfriend being assaulted.

Fin's domestic violence case takes center stage when Leon gets out on parole. Fin confronts Leon, telling him to stay away from Joelle and Andre or else, but Leon takes Andre out for ice cream anyway. Fin finds Andre on the basketball court and gives him a flip phone to call him in case Leon attacks his mom, while Joelle tells Fint o leave her and her family alone. Later, Andre calls and Fin comes to the house, where Leon is holding Joelle at knifepoint. Joelle tells FIn it's okay and he should go. Fin tries to negotiate with Leon who thinks Fin is trying to steal his son from him. Eventually, FIn shoots Leon after Leon trades Joelle for Andre. Benson tells Fin he should get union representation before talking to anyone about the shooting, but Fin doesn't care. He shot Leon in front of his son and that's not okay.

Meanwhile, when another working girl, Dakota, is attacked, Lakira tells Kat she is sure Paul Davies is behind it, but Kat needs proof before she can do anything. Kat disobeys Benson's orders and confronts Davies, who denies everything and says that Lakira lied once and will do it again. Dakota dies and Lakira is not allowed to talk to the doctor because she's "not family." However, Kat continues to investigate and finds DNA evidence linking Davies to Dakota's murder. After he is arrested, she tells Lakira the judge denied bail. Lakira is shocked that the judge and DA believe her and Dakota.

Rollins gets sucked into the Bouche family drama again when Ivy begins acting out. She finds out Ivy is partying with a bunch of older guys and when Ivy won't leave voluntarily, she arrests her for drug possession. Benson tells Rollins that dealing with Ivy will be good practice for when her girls become teenagers. Rollins initially voids the arrest, warning Ivy she will arrest her for real if she doesn't cut this out. Later, Rollins gets a call that Ivy has been arrested a second time. The cop assumes Rollins is her stepmother. Rollins tells the cop to leave Ivy in a holding cell overnight. Ivy is angry and Rollins upset as she walks away.

The next day, Rollins speaks at Ivy's hearing in the judge's chambers and says that Ivy should be granted leniency because she is a sex traffcking victim whose father went to prison trying to protect her. The judge says she will sentence her to rehab if she thinks Ivy is serious about changing, but if Ivy gets in more trouble she will remand her to custody. Mrs. Bouche doesn't think they can afford rehab but Rollins says they have COBRA coverage for six more months.

Carisi tries to prep for Sir Toby Moore's trial, but runs into one roadblock after another, not the least of which is that Sir Toby keeps skipping court dates and his attorney claims he is having heart problems. The day jury selection begins, Sir Toby allegedly is rushed to the hospital. Carisi thinks it's BS, but the judge tells him to cool it and if this turns out to be false, the court will find out and deal with it. Meanwhile, Sir Toby is intimidating witnesses and Carisi is having a hard time getting them to stay committed to testifying.



Law & Order: SVU
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Law & Order: SVU Season 21 Episode 20 Quotes

How many innocent men have been convicted in the name of the MeToo movement?


Attorney: My client Toby Moore is the real victim here. This is a sham trial and the NYPD has had a vendetta against him from Day One.
Kat: I thought this case was over when we arrested him.
Fin: Cases like this are never over, not even when they're over.