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A girl is nervous about which dress to wear for a meeting with someone online. She meets a woman at a bar who says she is her birth mother.

Rollins' daughter comes into the kitchen and asks if Sonny is her sister's father.

The girl and the woman talk about how the woman never went to college and works at Macy's. She asks about her biological father.

The SVU team has someone on loan from Hate Crimes. The girl comes in and tells Benson she wants to report that her father raped her mother.

Ashley explains that she met her birth mother for the first time the other day. Her mother was 15 and passed out at a party and found out 5 months later she was pregnant. She thinks her mother is broken and this will help. Benson says there are no guarantees as to what will happen.

Carisi says that this is a rape from 2003 and that Ashley is not the victim.

Michelle tells the detectives to stop talking and that Ashley overreacted. Carisi thinks Benson should tell Michelle her own story.

Benson goes to Michelle's apartment and asks for five minutes. Michelle is down on herself and thinks she should never have told Ashley this in the first place. Benson explains how it felt for her to find out she was the child of rape. She thinks Ashley wants to support Michelle through this and Michelle should give her and herself that chance.

Ashley is thrilled that Michelle wants to move forward. But ROllins suggests she give Michelle time. Ashley's adoptive father is unhappy about this.

Michelle's mother does not want Ashley in her life or for Michelle to pursue this. She does not appear to believe that Michelle was raped. She says she could never control Michelle. She thinks Michelle should never have agreed to meet Ashley, She takes some hand sanitizer and leaves.

Benson talks on video to an old friend of Michelle's but the woman claims that she was not at the party and doesn't know anything about it. Michelle has a photo of her and Mavis at the bar that night. SHe also remembers Mavis helping her up while she was stumbling around. Benson has an idea.

Rollins tells Carisi everyone would be better off if this never came up. Carisi relates this to Rollins not wanting to be open about their relationship. THe kids don't even know. They start arguing. Carisi says he doesn't want to live like this. Rollins doesn't want to leave SVU. Carisi says HR says they just have to disclose to their bosses. He wants to know if they're going to try to make this work or not? Rollins says she's never been this open and honest in a relationship. Benson calls and Rollins walks off.

Rollins asks Benson if Michelle really wanted to do a cognitive reenactment. Benson wonders what's up with Rollins. Michelle recognizes the place where the party took place. The current owner lets them look around. She remembers being on the bed and telling the guy she wasn't ready and he said she'd always remember him.

Rollins and the new guy talk to the old owner of the house. She says her sons lived there that summer. She doesn't recognize Michelle and says she wasn't home. Her elder son, Zach, is a lawyer.

Zach wants to know what this is really about. He says he doesn't remember Michelle being there. He doesn't know who else was at the party. He doesn't want to give out names of his old friends and offers to make calls.

Josh Wilcox shows up at SVU. He always liked Michelle. The cops question him. He never saw her again after the party. Did something happen to her? He says he made out a little but didn't have sex that night. He claims to have no idea about Michelle's pregnancy. He admits he was high at the time but they were in a downstairs bedroom (not upstairs like where the crime was) They were fooling around, it was the first time he kissed a girl, and he thought that was why she didn't call him back. He offers a DNA sample.

Michelle doesn't think it was Josh. He kept trying to call her, and if it was him, she wasn't raped.

Rollins wonders if it was possible that there was no rape. Benson doesn't think so. She says she remembers the night her mother lashed out at her, drunk and angry. She was 13 and her mother said she wished she never had her because of the rape. Rollins is sorry. She wonders if Benson wished her mother hadn't told her. Benson said at the time, but it has informed her whole life.

Ashley comes in all excited and sure Josh is her father and that there was no rape. She won't hear that it might not be Josh and hugs Benson.

Josh is also all excited. But Benson has to tell him they got the DNA and he is not the father. Josh says but she looks like him.

Michelle and Ashley are given the bad news. Ashley says that Josh is a nice guy who likes Michelle.

Zach has been cleared to by Josh's DNA. Josh remembers kicking idiots out of the wine cabinet. Upstairs was off limits but Zach's friend Cole slept there.

Benson and Carisi talk to a judge who says that Cole is a prominent person.

The cops question Cole who says he had sex with a lot of girls that summer but it was all consensual. Carisi asks for DNA anyway.

DNA is a match but Benson thinks that's not enough to arrest because Cole said enthusiastic consent. Rollins wonders if he would say that to Michelle's face.

Cole and Michelle meet.  He asks her what she wants: money? She didn't even know he was the one. He says she seemed enthusiastic at the time.  He offers to pay her student loans. She wants an acknowledgement that he knew she was half unconscious. She would never have said yes. He raped her. Cole denies it.  He wants to know how much money she wants.  Rollins and the new guy arrest him.

The judge tells Carisi that she also was raped by Cole and wants him taken down.

Cole's lawyer insists there is no rape. Josh has agreed to testify which is enough for an indictment. Cole thinks Maxwell will help him but she signed the warrant.

Michelle does not want to testify. Maybe they should take the money. Ashley wants justice. Michelle says justice is seeing Ashley happy.

Cole meets Ashely in Benson's office. He wants Ashley to meet his other kids. He will eventually tell them she is his daughter from a prior relationship. Ashley wants him to admit he raped her mother. Cole says what matters is he's her father. She says you're not. She has a father. You're my birth mother's rapist and until he admits it she wants nothing to do with him.

A deal is on the table. Cole will plead guilty to endangering the welfare of a minor. Benson says if they need time to discuss. But Michelle will go along with what Ashley wants. Michelle tells Benson later she's relieved. Her life has possibilities now.  She thanks Benson. 

Rollins tells Benson about her and Carisi. Benson doesn't seem surprised. Carisi wants to talk to the kids next.



Law & Order: SVU
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Law & Order: SVU Season 23 Episode 13 Quotes

Carisi: That's not enough to get an indictment.
Benson: So you want a woman to remember details of a rape 18 years ago?
Carisi: Can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs.

Girl: I want to report a rape.
Benson: Okay.
Girl: Not mine. It's my mother's. I was conceived when she was raped by my biological father.