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While Sient Night plays, a white supremacist speaks on his podcast about being in a war and we see a bunch of hate crimes -- Jews having their synagogue windows broken, Muslims attacked on the street, people being beaten up.

MEanwhile, Benson and Noah are coming out of a beautiful church service. They see police cars with their sirens on. Benson gets a call from Chief McGrath

Hate Crimes is short staffed so McGrath wants SVU to help with the string of attacks. Murphy is the captain of Hate Crimes. Calhoun and two other detectives are also on the case.

Declan says that the Embassies are on it. Benson speaks to the press. SVU will be helping out because we cannot have this type of violence in our city.

At the synagogue, a detective claims security shows two black kids were responsible for the violence. THe Orthodox won't cooperate today as it is Sabbath. Benson wants security footage.

The Muslim victim can't give the cops much. He says he did nothing to provoke this. He says kids say stupid things but this is different. The attackers called him the N word and told him to go back to the desert.

Declan wants to talk to Rollins. Some people from the neighborhood say the swastikas were not visible when walking a dog.

A Muslim guy says a white van drove away after the attack but nothing else.

The wife of an Orthodox victim says they were attacked by two Black boys.

McGrath wants to break the law by putting the suspects' pictures out even though they are minors.  Declan and Benson don't like that idea.

The SVU team canvasses. No one has seen the suspects.

A church leader recognizes one of the boys, Daylen. Daylen says that he ran away when he saw what the kids were doing. He gives up their names.

An older boy is arrested and says the Jews think they are better than him. He says he broke a store window if they said so.

A kid named Julius is also arrested and says the other boy with him did all the crimes, not him. He feels bad about what happened.

The suspects who attacked the Muslims are still at large. McGrath wants a news conference ASAP. Benson wants to hold that off. They can't prove these kids were tied to the Muslim attack. The arson and graffiti might not be these kids. Declan agrees with Benson. The other attacks were political, people making a statement. McGrath says make some arrests and calm this down. Benson tells him this is two different crimes. A mosque in Williamsburg is bombed and on fire right now.

This bomb went off after last prayer, and another bomb was found before it went off at a Jewish old age home. But the perps are getting more violent now. FBI calls. No credible threats this weekend, these perps are not on their radar.

Finn is exhausted but Murphy says they have to grab a Red Bull and keep going.

Rollins talks to her girls on the phone while Murphy is getting coffee. He tells her if she needs a few hours with her family... she doesn't want special Christmas.  Declan tells her about the deep undercover assignments he has been on. He was pulled out, had his death faked, etc. He thinks  leaving her was the biggest mistake of his life. Rollins tells him it's working out. Jessie is happy and so is she. The guy with the dog shows up again just as Murphy asks if Rollins is seeing anyone. Dog Guy wants to know if they caught the kids and gives his name as Don Johnson. (That isn't suspicious, right?) Rollins and Murphy are suspicious. Rollins got Dog Guy's cell off the dog tag. Meanwhile, they get security footage but can't see anything. Bensonc alls and Murphy says they just got played.

Someone has leaked Daylen's name to the cops. Murphy thinks it was McGrath. So does Fin.

Anyway, Dog Guy is a guy named Darko who immigrated from Serbia at the age of 3, lost a lawsuit to a Jewish landlord, and loves World War II movies. Anyway, Darko was just shot by a guy on a motorcycle.

At the hospital, Darko says the Black kids shot at him. Rollins tells Benson privately that he is fixated on those kids but she knows that's not true. Rollins offers to walk Darko's dog while he is in the hospital. He gives her his key and his phone number. Rollins says they don't need a warrant since he gave them a key. She and fin go into the apartment and feed the dog.  Rollins says they can't search but another detective suggests they say they were looking for a dog leash. Fin opens the closet and finds a ton of live bombs.

Darko claims that the bombs aren't his. Murphy says the FBI doesn't know what they're doing. The FBI has video of the podcast. Darko claims that he never saw the guy before and wants his dog. FBI is being tight so it may be hard for the cops to trace the video. Bad news: there are four bombs unaccounted for.

The FBI argues with the cops. FBI doesn't want to help and insists the cops don't know anything. Benson tries to reason with the agent. The agent agrees to give them a shot but has to be snarky about it.

Darko claims that Rollins turned him in. She has Danica (his dog). Murphy and Benson act like they are on Darko's side and believe the bombs aren't his. He says the guy shot him because he was talking to cops. Benson tells him the other terrorists are taking advantage of him. He says he doesn't know the guy's name. Just calls him AJ. Rollins texts a photo of Daniica. Darko only knows his part of the plan. It wasn't his idea, he's not good at this stuff. They made him turn off his phone and gave him a burner.

The clerk asks if they are sure the burner was bought here. They are. The clerk says the buyer paid cash for five phones and wore a motorcycle helmet.

They look at security footage but can't trace the perps. The burners are gone. However they got a cell phone dump and AJ's name and city/state.

The cops talk to AJ's girlfriend, who thinks he is with his ex and gets mad. Antonio and his ex are arrested. His ex insists she doesn't know what they are talking about. AJ is threatened with the death penalty and finally tells them where the bombs are. His ex is shocked that he has another wife in Ohio. He only has one contact from the gang causing all the problems. A guy named Nolan is arrested. He denies knowing AJ and says he thought it was his Uber driver calling, but is caught in an obvious lie. He insists he doesn't know anything about the podcaster even though they have video evidence of his wife filming the podcast. He denies knowing anything about it or where his wife is but tells them that Susan is using her sister's AMEX card.

A hotel clerk tells them that Susan went to Washington Square Park. Lots of Jews and Muslims there. Could be an attack. Gotta go now.

SVU goes to the area and observes. They find the podcaster and Susan. Benson pretends to know Susan and then tries to arrest Susan and the podcaster. Robert claims to have a bomb and Benson shoots him. Susan thanks her for giving them a martyr. Susan is dragged off and Benson realizes she needs to deal with having shot someone.




Law & Order: SVU
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Law & Order: SVU Season 23 Episode 10 Quotes

All these attacks on people because of who they are, who they worship, what they look like... we can't have that. Not in New York City.


Rollins: What the hell is wrong with people?
Fin: Don't get me started.