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Rollins and Carisi are in bed when Rollins' alarm goes off. Carisi has to deal with Elias' arraignment. The girls run in and interrupt what might have been a romantic moment with their excitement about Christmas.

Benson asks Noah why he's on his phone so much. He says it's a surprise for Christmas.

Muncy can't leave town for Christmas because she has to testify in Elias' trial. She has to meet with Carisi. They argue. He drops something and doesn't wait for her to give it back to him so she has to chase after him.

It turns out Carisi wanted everyone at court to witness him and Rollins getting married. We jump quickly to the kiss. Afterward, Noah interrupts the party to say that his big brother wants to meet him.

Benson is worried and goes to Fin. She has found out that Connor is a year older than Noah and was adopted also. She wants Fin to run a background check on the whole family.

Elias' lawyer wants a continuance. Carisi is ready to go to trial. Continuance denied even though it interferes with his honeymoon.

Noah is anxious to meet his brother. The background check is clean so Benson takes him to meet Connor.  They knock on the door. The mother asks to hug Noah. Connor and Noah meet. Benson looks upset.

Connor wants to show Noah his Playstation 5 in his room. Olivia isn't comfortable but the mother says keep your door open.

Benson talks to the father. He says the beauty of adoption is you choose the family. Benson finds out he knows nothing about the birth father and the birth mother has disappeared.

Noah asks if he can spend the night. Benson doesn't want him to but he begs her to. Benson decides to let him stay there by himself. She goes back to her motel where a desk clerk won't leave her alone and she finds a camera while she is drying off after her shower. Rollins calls and she asks to call her back.

Benson calls Rollins back once she's fully dressed. In the car Benson tells her about the hidden camera she found. Rollins offers to drive up. She also tells her that Noah is thrilled and the people are so sweet she's waiting for the other shoe to drop. Rollins says she will drive up in the morning. Rollins says what she wanted to say can wait til they're in person.

Noah is excited the next day that Matt  taught him to throw a football. She says she has some police business in town. They want to ask her something.

Meanwhile Muncy is ready to testify and promises she won't have a pissed-off face. Pria arrives.

Benson tells the parents that Connor's birth father is not exactly a happy story. Rollins calls, saving her from this conversation for now.

Rollins thinks the camera might have been planted by Troy, the desk clerk. She and Benson go behind the desk and find that he is watching their room. They arrest him.

Pria's mother testifies. Carter cross-examines and points out the perp had a mask and she never saw his face. Carisi redirects and she says she made a voice ID and her daughter and the detectives told her so.

Troy said his cousin Ray will hurt him and installed the cameras. Benson and Rollins go looking for Ray.

Pria testifies. Carter has no questions.

Rollins and Benson stake out a bar and talk about what's going to happen with Noah or Connor possibly learning about their birth father. They see Ray and offer him a possible threesome.

Muncy testifies. Carter cross-examines and begins with the idea that he is just doing their job. He questions her about the radio she threw and that she called him a sick bastard. He asks how many times she used force. She loses her temper.Benson and Rollins take a drunk Ray inside.

Muncy is at the bar. Fin and Valesco find her. Fin says this is a lesson for her.

Benson and Rollins get Ray to admit to the cameras in the motel. A cop tells Benson there is footage of her naked that they will scrub but Benson wants them to use it to nail Ray.

Later, Benson and Rollins have a girls' night but Rollins has to tell Benson that she may be leaving too. It's hard for her to leave but she needs Benson to be okay with it. Benson says she needs a minute. Rollins goes to get ice.

A desk clerk tells Benson that Rollins had checked out already.

Muncy tells Carisi that Velasco wants to testify. Carisi says the defense has already rested and it's up to the jury now.

The McCanns have heard about the craziness at the motel. Also they no longer are interested in learning about Connor's birth father. Noah comes in and says the McCanns got him a Playstation 5. Connor has a gift for Benson too.

Rollins tells Carisi things didn't go great with Benson. She is taking the job. The jury is back.

There was a hung jury. Fin says don't go too hard on Muncy. Benson asks Rollins to call her back. Rollins comes in instead and says she's sorry she left. Benson is sorry for how she reacted.  Rollins says Benson is not losing her. They're friends and that won't change. Benson knows Rollins has to do this but if she wants to come back... or not.... They hug. and are both crying. Rollins leaves and everyone outside applauds and hugs her.

Law & Order: SVU
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Law & Order: SVU Season 24 Episode 9 Quotes

Benson: Noah and Connor have been texting non-stop. I can't say no to this.
Fin: So what are you going to do?
Benson: What any self-respecting parent would do in this situation: ask you to do a complete background check on the family.

Judge: You're just in time.
Benson: For what?
Rollins: Carisi and I decided that marriage is just like a crime. You have motive, means, and opportunity. And we didn't want to do this without all of you.