On Law & Order: SVU Season 24 Episode 15, Benson and Carisi try to prove that a man with dementia did not kill his wife despite his confession.


Law & Order: SVU Season 24 Episode 15 revolves around the story of a man with dementia who claims to have murdered his wife.

After seeing Pence and Winnie grow up together, get married, and deal with dementia, Pence finds Winnie dead on the floor and tells some cops he did it. Carisi has his doubts and calls Benson in. Pence tells Benson that he and Winnie had a suicide pact but he failed her because he's still alive. He claims he was going to shoot himself but he has no shotgun.

Benson realizes they need to find proof that Pence is innocent. They go to the apartment, where they find the story he wrote that first attracted Winnie to him in a drawer and a record on a CPAP machine that proves Pence was sleeping at the time of the murder. Upon learning he didn't kill Winnie, Pence tries to slit his wrist with a piece of broken glass and begs to be let go to be with his wife.

The cops continue to investigate who really killed Winnie, while Pence slips further into dementia and forgets his wife is dead.

Meanwhile, Fin interrogates Velasco about the murders he claimed to commit while talking to a gangbanger.

To find out what happens, watch Law & Order: SVU Season 24 Episode 15 online.

Episode Details

Benson and Carisi have doubts when a man with dementia confesses to a crime and Fin presses Valesco for the truth on Law & Order: SVU Season 24 Episode 15.

Rating: 4.3 / 5.0 (25 Votes)
Law & Order: SVU
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Law & Order: SVU Season 24 Episode 15 Quotes

Cop: Hey, sir! I asked you a question. What do you remember?
Pence: I did it. I made love to her and then I killed her. I remember it all.

Boy: Why did you let me win?
Girl: I've never heard you speak before.
Boy: It's better that way. You heard them laughing.
Girl: I read your story. The one on the wall. About the boy who lived on the moon so he didn't have to talk to anyone.
Boy: It's better that way. Trust me.