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Flashback to Miranda asking Riggs about his dad when they first started dating. He's making up stories about his father.

Trish is having lunch with Gene when Leo Getz shows up.

Avery tells Murtaugh he's stepping down to run for city council. Roger tells him he wants his name on the recommendation list.

Trish finishes her lunch Gene when Getz shows up again. The man she was having lunch with gets in his car and it blows up. Riggs and Murtaugh are on the scene. Gene was working on a cartel case. Trish gives Roger her account. 

Murtaugh and Avery question Getz about fleeing the scene of a homicide.

Riggs and Murtaugh visit Ronnie Delgado in prison. Delgado is stabbed by another inmate. When visiting Delgado in the hospital, Ronnie tells him Miranda knew about his father.

At Gene's funeral, Getz and Trish start working together to investigate his murder.

Riggs and Murtaugh visit a Chinese restaurant to question a P.I. Turns out that Miranda hired him to investigate Riggs' past. Riggs is not happy.

Riggs and Murtaugh go on a stakeout of O'Brien headquarters. Meanwhile, Trish and Leo work their own angle of the case which takes them to the same place.

All of them end up in Avery's office.

Riggs has flashbacks to his wedding.

Sorano shows up at Delgado's summer home where Riggs finds Monica's skeleton. Trish and Getz tell Avery about Monica and the significance of the case and how O'Brien is involved in her murder.

Murtaugh saves Martin's life. A shootout ensues. Sorano is arrested.

Avery won't be running for City Council. Trish helps Getz try to get a job.

Riggs is in Cahill's office talking about Miranda.Riggs goes to the hospital to talk to Ronnie and learns he died.






Lethal Weapon
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Lethal Weapon Season 2 Episode 12 Quotes

I can see in your eyes, you want to dig into this. Get your hands dirty.


I’ll admit, I was briefly atop your wife, but it was merely a protective maneuver.
