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There's a robbery on a plane. A guy gets shot and ends out jumping out of the plane.

Martin is at a pawn shop trading in some stuff including a rifle that he got from his grandfather and father. He has a flashback. He tries to shoot a deer, but he misses and dad shoots it.

Murtaugh is trying to connect with Riana, but she's not interested.

Riggs and Murtaugh are in a plane hangar questioning the stewardess about the robbery.

Riggs is in Cahill's office talking about the rifle. She wants to know more about his childhood.

Avery is back and Santos is talking. Avery is not taking anything from Riggs and Murtaugh.

Riggs and Murtaugh go to a question a witness but he's gone. The stewardess is involved.

Nora the stewardess is helping on the case to bring capture her father. They get Cooper.

Riggs and Murtaugh are questioning Cooper about the robbery.

Riana and Murtaugh have a blow out in the interrogation room.

Cooper has what seems like a heart attack after telling Riggs about the briefcase. He escapes from the hotel room. Nora gets kidnapped by a guy who wants the briefcase.

Cooper retrieves the briefcase and finds the diamonds. 

Nora is saved at the park. 







Lethal Weapon
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Lethal Weapon Season 2 Episode 4 Quotes

Riggs, you got more baggage than anyone I know.


Captain Avery bringing the thunder.
