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On Madam Secretary Season 2 Episode 2, Elizabeth is tasked with a new conflict with a State Department employee is kidnapped in Afghanistan. President Dalton is under the impression this is a terrorist attack and he is adamant about not negotiating with terrorists, but Elizabeth isn't sure the kidnappers are terrorists. Elizabeth gets some advice from Madeleine Albright who tells her she needs to go after what she thinks is right and sometimes needs to make decisions that the President won't like. 

Elizabeth takes this advice and decides to go with her hunch and contact the kidnappers who it turns out kidnapped the employee because they didn't know how else they were going to be heard. They had been promised visas for years, but were constantly denied even though they had glowing reviews from American's they worked with. The men and their family are in danger of the Taliban who want to kill them because they are helping out America. Elizabeth takes this information to the President who isn't happy, but agrees to save the men and provide visas to their families.

In the situation room, Elizabeth watches as the Marines head in to save Tom and the other men, but the Taliban is hot on their trail. The Marines are able to get Tom, but they aren't able to get to the other men because the Taliban shows up before they can get to them and the President makes the decision to get out of there because he doesn't want to risk an American's life. Elizabeth is angry about this and tells Craig he could have persuaded the President to save everyone.

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Madam Secretary
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