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Blake is listening to 80s music as he does his job, but then sees a calendar reminder that he's fired in 3 days.

Elizabeth is suffering from sunburn but is in a good mood because she is meeting with a Haitian diplomat. She is not looking forward to a meeting with her and Henry's estate lawyer.

Jay tries to convince Blake that M. Sec has forgotten about wanting to fire him.

There is a crisis in Haiti. The outgoing President won't step down. He is claiming voter fraud.

Matt is paired with the Haitian speechwriter, who will be shadowing him. 

Jay tells Blake that M. Sec is still planning on firing him. Blake wants to stay in the inner circle. He wants to apply for a job very close to her. Jay says his resume is lacking and he will have to impress her. Blake wants a practice interview.

Matt is not interested in the other speechwriter until he flatters him about a speech Elizabeth made.

The new President of Haiti wants Elizabeth to end US occupation of Haiti, while Elizabeth says they didn't have a stable government to work with. The new President refuses aid from the US.

Matt is not happy when the other speechwriter criticizes his speech.

Dupont claims he doesn't accept the results of the election and Elizabeth realizes he is going to suspend the Haitian Constitution and declare martial law.

Elizabeth and Dalton discuss their options. They realize Haiti has to solve this itself or the new President will appear to be an American operative and cause more problems.

Blake practices for his interview and can't keep his countries straight while talking about global energy stuff. He is nervous, never had an interview for his original job.

David Clark calls the McCords. He says they are both eligible for burial in Arlington, but they need to put it in their will as Arlington is filling up. Henry says they will get back to him and hangs up. Elizabeth doesn't feel right about taking a space when she's not military. Henry wants to be buried with her. Elizabeth doesn't think it matters. Henry thinks it may matter to the kids. Elizabeth thinks they should ask them, but Henry isn't sure they should burden them with this.

Matt wants Jay to get rid of this other speechwriter. Jay says Danny has no place to go because of his country being at civil war.

Elizabeth looks at a brochure about Arlington and news footage about Haitian unrest. Jay says the oligarchs are not blinking at the sanctions.

Blake comes in to introduce the President Elect and keeps saying his name wrong. When the meeting occurs, Galbare doesn't think they are doing enough and wants to go back to Haiti. Daisy thinks that is a bad idea. Elizabeth asks for more time. But Jay finds out Dalton is planning military action.

Elizabeth is not happy. She thinks Dalton should have kept her in the loop and she wants to try diplomatic options. Dalton says they have no options. Elizabeth wants 48 hours to try so that they can find a more permanent solution than constant war with Haiti.

Dupont is claiming to have saved Haitian democracy. Henry says Dupont will not respond well to threats. Elizabeth gets to work trying to get someone to grant Dupont asylum as an incentive to step down. Monaco's ambassador is wants a recognition ceremony for Prince Julian.

Matt has had enough of Danny Victor. Daisy tells him Danny's father was killed in Dupont's latest crackdown. 

Family meeting time. Alison thinks Elizabeth is dying. Henry reassures the kids that no one is dying. Jason suggests cryogenics. Alison thinks they are worried about assassination attempts. The kids are not focused. They think Henry and Elizabeth should decide. Elizabeth gets a call from Jay.  Dupont wants to talk.  He says what they are offering him a prison and he refuses their offer. He says he will fight to the death to remain in power and he will win.

Blake talks with the janitor about his anxiety. He says he's great at his current job. He's better at organization than creative thinking. Bob the janitor tells him he needs confidence.

During a meeting about the military action, Blake and Jay are whispering to each other. Dalton asks Blake to share and he has info about shell companies the leaders in Haiti have. Elizabeth realizes they can threaten to investigate these accounts in order to force Dupont to stand down. Dalton tells Blake to speak up next time.

Gilbare doesn't like the plan. He says he wants to be President honestly, no bribes, corruption, or coups. Elizabeth says standing on principle will keep Dupont in power.  Gilbare talks with the Haitian military, but Jay has news: Dupont  has barricaded himself in the Presidential quarters.

On the news, Dupont is claiming he has created a stable government etc. Elizabeth tells Gilbare to be patient. Jay says Dupont wants safe passage for his family. Gilbare says no. Elizabeth convinces him otherwise. Dupont says he is retiring even though he is the legitimate President.

Gilbart is upset. He hopes he has the US' support. Elizabeth says the Haitian revolt led to the Louisiana Purchase so the US always will be in Haiti's debt.

Matt tells Danny that he created a scholarship in his father's name. Danny says Matt splits too many infinitives.

Blake apologizes for overstepping. Elizabeth says he can't interview. Blake is upset. Elizabeth says Blake has been interviewing for the last four years. She says he has demonstrated a commitment to this department and his behavior in front of Dalton was his final exam. She is firing him and rehiring him as her senior policy advisor. 

Henry says Clark told him that he reached out to Elizabeth several times in the last few months. He says he's not that invested in Arlington so if she doesn't want to be there...what's going on? She says she goes to Blacktop Mountain on the anniversary of her parents' death. She's never been to their cemetery. She doesn't like the finality of the cemetery. Henry says he believes there has to be somewhere where part of them goes and he will find her there because the Universe isn't big enough to keep that from happening. He says she doesn't need to get past this. The family goes to the cemetery and Elizabeth puts flowers on her parents' graves. 


Madam Secretary
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Madam Secretary Season 5 Episode 8 Quotes

This is Washington. They dispense with the indispensable.


Henry: How's the world looking?
Elizabeth: Oh you know. Drought. Sectarian violence. Bugs.