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Magnum meets with Sato, a chef with a problem. Sato set up the meeting for Yakuza crime boss Osi Shima. Osi's son Kota was kidnapped the previous night and Osi wants Thomas to find him. When Magnum tries to decline, he finds out that he's been poisoned and has eight hours to live. To get the antidote, he must find Osi's son. Magnum secretly phones Higgins so she learn of his predicament. Thomas will be shadowed by Osi's thugs Tower and Tia Min. They go to the crime scene. Magnum suggests finding out what ride shares were working the area at the time of the kidnapping. Jin visits Sato's restaurant pretending to be a health inspector and plants bugs. T.C.'s visit spooks Sato into calling Osi. Higgins hacks Osi's phone to find the person who supplied him the poison. A car in the area at the time of the kidnapping belongs to a Korean gang. The drug supplier says Shima doesn't have the antidote. Magnum is already suffering from symptoms. Thomas collapses at the Koreans' warehouse and gets captured. Tia goes into after him. She rescues Magnum then he rescues her from his interrogator. Thomas determines that Tia is undercover HPD. She makes Magnum shoot her in the arm to maintain her cover. He calls Higgins. She injects him with the drug the supplier said will slow the symptoms. Thomas wants to head off the gang war. Tower lied about the Korean car and is behind the kidnapping to end the truce. Juliet uses Tower's laptop to determine where Kota is being held. Magnum crashes the gang parlay. He bluffs Tower into confessing while Kota is rescued. T.C. gets the antidote from a lab on Maui. Wearing Jin Dog T-shirts, the gang wins the tug-of-war competition. 

Magnum P.I.
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Magnum P.I. Season 4 Episode 15 Quotes

I'm not going to kill you, Mr. Magnum. I killed you five minutes ago.

Osi [to Magnum]

Tower. It's good to see you're not in prison but are out doing what you love -- hovering.

Magnum [to Tower]