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Rick is anxious because Suzie is returning to Hawaii. Higgins is working solo because Magnum is spending the day with a Vietnam vet in hospice. Her new client, 12-year-old Ella, wants her to solve a triple homicide from 2017. Ella inherited the case from her late mother, an HPD detective. Ella shows Juliet a letter with a new clue that came after her mother died. Ella doesn't want the police involved. Magnum's vet, Bob Braddock, wants no part of his visit. Higgins and Ella search for the tree mentioned in the letter. In the hollow of a tree, they find a potential murder weapon. Higgins and Ella convince Katsumoto to take on the case. Magnum wins Bob's favor with a real steak. Suzy tells Rick that she doesn't want them to start a relationship beyond being co-parents. Higgins and Ella find the neighbor who wrote the letter. Ella's father, who doesn't approve of her investigating the case, hauls her away. Magnum probes the rift between Bob and his older brother Danny, who was a draft dodger. Higgins questions Adam Akamu, the family's lone survivor, who says there was a rumor his mother was having an affair. Higgins convinces Ella's father to let her examine Phoebe's notes. Thomas encourages Bob to reconnect with Danny. After Ella and her dad talk, she's allowed to work with Juliet again. Clara, the woman providing gossip to Higgins, owned the murder weapon. She hits Juliet with a frypan. Clara turns on the gas to kill herself and Higgins. Concerned about Juliet, Ella calls Katsumoto. The husband was having an affair with Clara. Katsumoto arrives in time to rescue the two passed-out women. Magnum sets up a Zoom call between Bob and Danny. Rick and Suzy reach an accommodation. 

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Magnum P.I. Season 4 Episode 17 Quotes

Higgins: Ooh! You're looking dashing! New shirt?
Rick: Nice of someone to notice.

Rick: Bottoms up!
T.C.: You know I love taste-test day!