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A reunited Magnum and Higgins unsuccessfully chase a bail jumper. T.C. pushes a nervous Shammy to take his first solo flight. Magnum and Lia continue their secret relationship. Higgins suspects Magnum is up to something because he's too happy. Their new client asks them to look into her husband Nokoa's construction death. She didn't believe it was an accident and it's being covered up. T.C. and Shammy get skyjacked by their two customers. T.C. has to carry Shammy since he doesn't have his chair. The skyjackers are hoping to recover drugs from Molokai. Rick is worried because he can't come up with drinks as good as Suzy did. He asks Kumu to help him. Construction boss Ioha said a random drug test showed ex-con Nokoa had opiates in his bloodstream. The drugs the skyjackers were hoping to recover were stolen by the buyers. But the buyers are still on the islands. Nokoa previously beat a murder charge, giving someone motive to kill him. The father of the victim, Hector Aquino, previously had stalked Nokoa. He was in Utah when Nokoa died. Magnum and Higgins suspect he hired someone to kill Nokoa. Kumu tells Rick that he's missing Suzy, not just her cocktails. There would no drugs in Nokoa's system after Noelani's bloodtest. Ioha lied to them. Shammy knocks out the second skyjacker and escapes on the chopper. Ioha attends the same grief support group as Aquino. Each killed those who murdered their loved ones. The drug thieves are taking off by boat. T.C. scuffles with the skyjacker and steals his walkie-talki despite being grazed. They struggle and the skyjacker gets killed. Shammy flew to get T.C. help. The witness admits Nokoa didn't kill Aquino's son. Ioha confesses first. Higgins figures out Magnum is dating Lia.

Magnum P.I.
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Magnum P.I. Season 4 Episode 2 Quotes

I've got a bunch of great lava-rock jokes I've been working on.

Shammy [to T.C.]

I'm really shocked that that stern talking-to didn't work.

Magnum [to Higgins]