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The NSA and DOD are questioning Vance about his knowledge of the tail fin and how he's managed to stay alive and undetected in New York City for 18 months. 

Jared informs Ben and Mic about Katherine Fitz's disappearance. They believe her "vanishing act" might mean she's coming after the 828'ers again. 

Jared decides to warn Saanvi about it, and she's shaken up to learn that Katherine, the woman she killed, had a child. 

Cal is in the forest at Tarik's house and sees a peacock, which connects to the artifacts TJ sent over from Egypt. 

Tarik and Grace get into a fight over his criticism of Cal. She eventually apologizes for not being there for her stepbrother and stepfather in his dying days and explains that she wasn't just busy, she was dealing with Cal's leukemia. 

Ben experiences a Calling that includes an earthquake and a boy passed out on the floor. He notices that during this Calling, a poster with Eagan Tehrani, an 828 passenger, falls to the ground, and he believes he needs to reconnect with him.

He approaches Eagan at the park, who informs him that he also had the same Calling, though he saw it slightly differently. 

The duo brainstorm what all the artifacts might mean and realize they are looking for a storage unit. 

Once they locate the storage unit, they find a teen trapped inside. 

Ben pulls Caleb to safety, while Eagan explains he's going to try to turn off the gas in the basement before the whole building collapses. 

Later, Eagan is seen pawning off artifacts from the storage unit for money using Ben's identity. 

He finds a piece of the missing Egyptian papyrus that would've given Olive and Angelina answers about the peacock drawing they were investigating, but instead, throws it away with the remainder of Ben's things. 

Meanwhile, Ben takes Caleb home and he reunites with his mother and his brother... Kory, one of the methheads. 

Mic is interrogating Pete, who keeps saying that fate brought him to Angelina. 

Mic begins to hear an old Calling of Evie's heartbeat and goes to check up on her parents, Glen and Beverly. 

She finds Glen dead on the floor after suffering a heart attack. She calls Jared for backup, who arrives on the scene with Zeke. 

Mic continues to experience the Calling over and over until she stumbles upon old home movies. Zeke notices a DVD that has the title "for Michaela." When she plops the tape in, it's a video of Glen telling her that if she's watching this, he must be gone. He explains that he's made arrangements for Beverly, who has dementia, at an assisted living facility and gives the house to Mic and Zeke. 

When the time comes for the nurses to take Beverly to her new home, Mic changes her mind and says that she and Zeke will move in and take care of her instead. 

Powell offers Vance his old job at the NSA. They confirm Katherine Fitz is dead. 

Vance refuses because, as he points out, he doesn't need them, they need him. 

Powell promises to let Vance spearhead the 828 case and unlocks a secret door to reveal.... something that makes Vance's eyes nearly pop out of his sockets. 

If you've seen the trailers, it's likely a replica of 828 from pieces they've been able to trace down. 

In the final moments, we also see Pete and Angelina reconnecting and realizing that they are supposed to be there for each other. 

Jace, on the other hand, has revenge on his mind as he's seen scratching out the eyes of Cal, Mic, and Ben's photos in his RV. 

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Manifest Season 3 Episode 3 Quotes

Forget the fact that I’m a cop. You came out of that lake for a reason. This is your chance at redemption. You and I were supposed to find each other again.


Eagan: I’m never wrong about Callings.
Ben: The Callings are never wrong either.