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Angel, knowing the club is suspicious of him, tells Bishop and the M.C. he's got a secret that he needs to get off his chest. He tells them about the tunnel he found that leads to Riz's house. Bishop tells Angel to keep it quiet. Angel and EZ end up using the tunnel to transport Adelita. During the drive, she asks the Reyes brothers about their family history.  

The M.C. still plans to do their next run despite Galindo being locked up. Tranq instructs Riz to stay behind and man the fort. Leticia is outside waiting for Coco. Coco introduces her to the club. Bishop is relieved to find out that this is the girl Chuckie saw Coco with and not Adelita. Tranq tells Coco to stay behind and spend some time with his daughter. 

Felipe arrives home and finds an armed Adelita with his wife's urn. She shows Felipe a picture of him with her father. She recounts the story of her family being slaughtered by the Galindo cartel. She also tells him that she knows his son. The man who killed her family gloated after doing so and said her father was betrayed by a friend. Felipe promises to share the whole picture. 

Felipe shows Adelita a picture of him and her father standing over dead bodies they killed. Felipe swears he never knew what happened to him after Angel was conceived. He shows her another picture, this time with another man, Rodrigo, the priest who has helped Adelita in the past. She asks to keep the photo. 

Jiminez comes to work and informs his boss of EZ's run. Agent Bowen tells Jiminez that EZ's deal is done and local cops are going to bring him in. Jiminez is concerned about what the M.C. will do to EZ if he's exposed. 

The Mayans make their trade with the Sons of Anarchy. Jiminez calls EZ and tells him Bowen's pulling the deal. EZ tells Jiminez about Galindo being held up at border patrol. Jiminez follows Agent Bowen. 

Miguel gets into a violent brawl with a man he's in the cell with. 

Coco takes Leticia back to his mom's house while he gets his stuff in order. After Coco leaves, Vicki yells at her granddaughter and tells her she better get back on the streets if she wants to live with her. Leticia goes to the bathroom and bashes her own head on the toilet. 

As the M.C. heads back, local police demand they pull over. EZ, knowing they're looking for him turns around and finds himself in a speed chase. Once he's cornered he surrenders, but the police officers beat him up. 

Agent Bowen arrives at headquarters where Linc and his team are waiting. Jiminez surprises them and tells Linc about EZ's intel. In exchange for it, Linc decides against ending EZ's deal and starts to formulate a plan to get Galindo. 

Miguel is escorted out of holding and into a secret room where Adelita waits. She shows him live video footage of some of his properties exploding. When he questions what she wants she explains she wants to be partners. She says killing him won't do any good. She wants to fix the broken system and the only way to do that is if they work together. 

In order to establish trust, she tells him her real name, Louisa Espana. Before leaving him to think about it, she says they will need a third party who can keep them both honest. 

The Mayans are back at the warehouse, and a beaten up EZ arrives soon after. Bishop thanks him, but also reprimands him for the impulsive and reckless act. He threatens to kick him out if he pulls another stunt like this. 

Chuckie pulls in with a beaten up Leticia. When Coco sees her and asks what happens she says Vicki went crazy. An irate Coco takes off. 

Miguel is given Cristobal back and is free to go. He runs into Adelita on his way out who says she'll be in touch. He then goes home and reunites with Emily and his family. 

Riz is in the tunnel with a woman and children. As he's exiting, he is caught by the M.C.

Coco breaks into Vicki's house and drowns her while she's in the bathtub. 

EZ arrives home and finds the papers that show Felipe isn't who he says he is. 

The lights go out in Galdino's house. Miguel and his men go and check it out. Emily decides to look for them. She finds them all arrested by the DEA, realizing it was a setup. 

Mayans M.C.
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Mayans M.C. Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

That cockroach ... that's what you are to me. A fucking plague. A dirty pest with a tiny brain. Someone steps on you ... nobody notices you're gone. You're a mistake.

Miguel Galindo

Emily: Anything from the lawyer?
Devante: No. A legal hierarchy at the border and now it's fucking chaos. Idiots dictating policy, making shit up as they go along. Covering their ass so they don't take the hit when the Emperor shits his new clothes.