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Ezekiel "EZ" Reyes was once a promising college student with a bright future ahead of him. However, after killing a cop, EZ was sent to prison, losing his girlfriend Emily in the process. EZ now spends his time as a prospect for the Mayans M.C. Santo Padre Charter alongside his brother who is a full-fledged member. 

The show kicks off with the M.C.'s cartel delivery being hijacked by a group of unknown rebels. This leads cartel leader, Miguel to believe that there is a traitor in the Mayans much to the chagrin of Mayans president Bishop. 

The Mayans head to Mexico to settle cartel business and it is during this trip that EZ sees his ex-girlfriend, Emily. EZ looks back on their breakup when he was in jail. During this exchange, Emily reveals to EZ a sonogram photo but refuses to give him any more information. 

The Mayans then visit Marcus Alvarez, Bishops's cousin and president of the Mayans M.C. Oakland Charter. Bishop enlists Alvarez's help in taking down the Samoans who stole from the cartel. A gunfight in a cemetery between the Mayans and Samoans ensues. The Mayans are able to take out the Samoans with the help of the Sons of Anarchy. 

The Mayans deliver the Samoan leader to Miguel and the cartel who mutilate and torture him before killing him. It is here that the rest of the Mayans learn about the friendship Alvarez had with Miguel's father. 

Miguel then leaves the Mayans to clean up his mess and goes to meet his wife and child for dinner. It turns out his wife happens to be Emily. 

EZ gets a call from his father to meet him at his bakery. EZ's cousin and DEA agent Kevin Jimenez are waiting for him to get intel. Kevin reminds EZ about the deal he made. Kevin got him out of prison in exchange for information about the cartel. EZ says he will continue to provide him intel but once Kevin takes down the cartel, EZ is done with the Mayans. 

During their trip to get rid of the dead body, Angel entrusts EZ with the information that he, Coco and Gilly are the so-called traitors. They are working with the rebels to take down the cartel and free the M.C. from its grasp. The rebels reveal themselves to EZ and a number of them turn out to be women and children. 

EZ tells his brother that he is all in. 

Mayans M.C.
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Mayans M.C. Season 1 Episode 1 Quotes

Angel: Yo he ever talk to you about mom or any of that?
EZ: No, not really. Does he with you?
Angel: Baseball. That's the only thing we ever talk about. For eight years not a word about that hit.

Creeper: Make sure he knows what's he's doing!
Angel: He also wants a sex change, doctor.
Gilly: Yes he wants it...very tight.
Coco: And the lips, very pretty... soft like my mother's.
Angel: You always got to make it weird don't you!