Engaging Prospects - Minx Season 2 Episode 7
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A man angrily leaves his home and runs over his mother with his car. This man is then revealed to be a centerfold for Minx, forcing Richie and Bambi to toss his pages. They then call Doug for help.

Joyce and Tina trek to the woods as they go to a wilderness retreat hosted by Constance to find editors for Minx International.

Richie decides to revisit his abandoned bathhouse spread while they also call in Shelly to write a piece.

After discovering Constance had been using his office in his absence, Doug finds ripped-up paper in his office.

In the woods, Constance challenges the women to make their own food from the land.

Doug brings the stitched-up paperwork to Tina and tells her that he thinks Constance is going to sell the company and screw them all over. But he’s interrupted by Constance.

At the bathhouse, the owner questions Richie’s approach to the shoot, as Richie explains that Minx has a particular image to project.

Doug finds Joyce at the retreat to warn her about Constance, but she doesn’t share his concerns.

Richie sends the Minx employees out so he can shoot the men alone while Shelly tries to write her latest Bella column.

The ladies meet with various candidates from overseas, but later, Joyce laments to Constance that they need to pick women who have something to say and adhere to both Minx’s beliefs and their own.

Doug sneaks into Constance’s room and later shows Tina proof that Constance has dissolved Bottom Dollar and will be forming her own company.

The police raid the bathhouse, and Richie decides to shoot the ensuing conflict while Bambi and Shelly hole up in a sauna and talk.

Later that night, Lenny reads Shelly’s latest article in which Bella identifies as a lesbian.

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Minx Season 2 Episode 7 Quotes

Joyce: So, this is all a metaphor for the trials of the editorial process.
Constance: No, it's not a metaphor for anything. It's to see if they can make lunch in the woods. You know, delegation, communication, coalition building.

Joyce: Could we of driven up here?
Constance: Sure. But then you wouldn't have had the whole experience.