Joyce: Look, you might have told me about the bathhouse shoot back in the woods.
Doug: Look, I'm sorry. This will be the last time old Doug Renetti disappoints you, okay?
Joyce: I highly doubt that.

Richie: Just say it already.
Joyce: Minx isn't supposed to be for gay men.
Richie: So, you're happy to take our money and have us behind the camera, just as long as you don't have to acknowledge that we exist?

Shelly: You know you're gonna get fired for this, missy.
Joyce: Oh, yeah. This is a career-ender. But you know what? It's time I stopped agreeing to things just because people tell me it's good for business.

Honey, if you want to win the war, you have to fight one battle at a time.

Constance [to Joyce]

Doug: You look good as a banner, kid.
Joyce: I look like a slutty dictator.
Doug: I thought that's what you were going for.

Bambi: I'm done pretending.
Shelly: Me, too.

Tina: Did you steal that from Constance?
Doug: She doesn't lock her doors. Her casa is me casa.
Tina: That's not what that means.

Doug: So, you're choosing Constance over me, huh?
Tina: No. I'm choosing me over you.

Shelly: Is there where people have sex?
Richie: It's a locker room. So, yes.

Joyce: So, this is all a metaphor for the trials of the editorial process.
Constance: No, it's not a metaphor for anything. It's to see if they can make lunch in the woods. You know, delegation, communication, coalition building.

Doug: Something is brewing. We're all in danger.
Joyce: Danger from what?
Doug: From Constance.

Joyce: Could we of driven up here?
Constance: Sure. But then you wouldn't have had the whole experience.

Minx Quotes

Richie: Some crazy rich lady tracked me down. Offered me a lot of money to take boudoir shots for her. She wants the Minx touch.
Joyce: What? Richie, no. That's beneath you.
Richie: I'm wearing an apron, ogling my godson. Don't tell me what's beneath me.

Reporter: You've had quite the ride, Ms. Prigger. How do you make it look so easy?
Joyce: Well, the real question is, why do men make it look so hard?