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The biddies fall in line following General Alder. Two busloads of men are brought to Fort Salem and Tally is particularly excited. Coming soon is Beltane, when the soldiers are able to partake of the male witches of their choosing. Tally excels at scrying practice.  An inflatable floatation device explodes in a Spree attack, freezing over a public swimming pool in Dayton. Ohio. News of the attack hits the recruits hard. Tally knocks over Abigail's friend Gerit while playing lacrosse. An unknown man confronts Raelle while making a reference to Scylla. At the Hague, an international military council of witches, General Alder faces a challenge to her leadership. The mystery man, Scylla's ex Porter, confronts her. Tally is infatuated with Gerit. Porter apologizes to Raelle, explaining his history with Scylla. He cautions her not to get too attached. Alder also learns of a nomadic tribe of witches threatened by hunger and disease, with rare spells that other nations seek. Some force attacks Alder and apples spoil and fall off the trees back at Fort Salem. One of the biddies is fatally wounded. Anacostia selects a replacement, Devin. Tally plugs in her medal at the museum and tracks her family's lineage. Libba gives a lecture on her family's history to a captive audience. Abigail disagrees and offers her family's version of the same battle. Scylla tells Raelle that both her and Porter's families were draft dodgers, avoiding The Call. Her parents were killed when the military tried to arrest them. Porter figures out that Scylla is Spree. She places a spell on him. Tally and Gerit kiss. The biddies give Alder their youth to keep her vital, even after 300 years. Porter leaps to his death right in front of Raelle. She tries to heal him but he's fatally injured. 

Motherland: Fort Salem
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Motherland: Fort Salem Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

They do look to peacock and strut. [To Tally] Close your mouth.


Tally: I suddenly look weird and not in a good way.
Abigail: Stop fidgeting. You look fine.