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Corky goes to visit Holly in the hospital, she's been in coma for the past 11 years. She woke up, said Pam and went back to sleep.

At Murphy in the Morning. Murphy's new assistant has trouble getting to the point. She follows Murphy around talking about punctuation and the oxford comma. Murphy fired her on a post it.

Corky tells everyone that Holly woke up and spoke. Murphy covered the story. 

Murphy: Well, I'm my own jury, me times 12 and we voted to convict him. Unanimously!

Corky doesn't believe Charles is guilty.

Miles wants to jump on the story. He gives them all jobs to do so they don't get scooped.

Wolf is airing Avery's new promo. He's all open-shirted. They slow mo'd him and made him all sexy. He said he didn't approve that promo.

He's going to confront the network about it.

Frank is disguised as a doc. 

Holly's memory is fuzzy. Murphy walks in. She doesn't remember anything. Corky didn't fill her in. 

Corky: Why don't you just hit her over the head with a bedpan?

Murphy is trying to get to the truth. Corky and Murphy are fighting about whether Chrles is guilty.

Murphy: Rest? What has she been doing all these years?

Avery is hanging out with his friends playing video games and they're making fun of his promo.

Murphy: Aww, you guys, it's just like high school minus the Cheetos dust and the faint smell of weed.

The friends leave, slow motioning out. Murph asks what happened with the network. They blew him off and said the response was through the roof with women and gay men. Murph makes fun of him and goes to the kitchen.

Back at the hospital, Miles is keeping watch, but doesn't like all the sickness around him. Charles shows up to see Holly. He wants to know what Murph is doing there. He was in China and he dropped everything to be there at the hospital. Charles said he loves her and is sorry he couldn't be with her.

Suddenly she remembers. she went downstairs to get ice cream, but she fell over the cat. She says he's innocent. Corky's happy about that.

Murphy is upset because they're instinct were wrong about the guilt of Charles. Murphy and Frank start the show. They thow it to Corky in the hospital. She introduces Holly. She talks to Holly about Charles. 

She goes to tell the story. She shocks everyone and says he did it. He greased up the stairway. They didn't even have a cat. Corky is devastated. 

Corky: Well, how 'bout that? Sometimes a fairytale is, well, a fairytale. The big bad wolf eats little red riding hood, Hansel and Gretel get burnt to a crisp, and the little old woman in a shoe has so many children because she didn't have easy access to contraceptives. 

At Phil's, Phyllis says she always knew Charles was guilty. She knows a stairpusher when she sees one. She's had four husbands.

Murphy feels bad for Corky. she goes to talk to her. Corky doesn't want Murphy to gloat. corky starts to drink vodka. She says the world needs more Corky. Corky asks for a hug. 

Avery came in and he said he's going to wear his glasses instead of his contacts to discourage being a sex symbol. It backfired and he got compliments on them immediately.

Murphy Brown
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Murphy Brown Season 11 Episode 8 Quotes

Well, I'm my own jury, me times 12 and we voted to convict him. Unanimously!


Aww, you guys, it's just like high school minus the Cheetos dust and the faint smell of weed.
