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Two Marines are killed and a missile is stolen during an attack on a convoy. Thanks to a candy wrapper, the team tracks down a dishonorably discharged former member of the military, who shoots himself rather than be captured, quoting 'Sic semper tyrannis,' the words of John Wilkes Booth after assassinating President Lincoln.

They learn the attack is connected to a sudden influx of radical militia members into New Orleans, lead by a man calling himself "the Father." Brody and Percy come across the man's ex-wife in one of his holdings, and she points them to the number two, Zed Hastings.

Pride uses an ATF alias to successfully infiltrate the group, and the team desperately tries to locate where the militia hideout is before the separatists can launch the stolen missile. Brody and LaSalle discover the camp's location, and Pride is forced to shoot LaSalle in his Kevlar vest. Pride soon learns that Brant Boudreau, who everyone thought was the Father, has been dead for at least a year. The federal agents use Pride as a distraction and move in, capturing the militia members, but Zed Hastings escapes.

They find the missile, and learn that it's missing its guidance chip. It doesn't take them long to realize that it was Boudreau's ex-wife who killed him and stole the chip with plans to sell it. They quickly capture her and recover the chip, though Hastings is still at large. Hastings puts a $50,000 bounty on Pride's head.

Pride uses money from the sale of his house to buy a bar.

NCIS: New Orleans
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NCIS: New Orleans Season 2 Episode 1 Quotes

We'll do a remote class later.


Percy: 'Sic semper tyrannis'?
Pride: 'Thus always tyrants.' What John Wilkes Booth said right after he assassinated Lincoln.