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A man gets shot while hunting. An old flame, Rita Devereaux, looks up Pride at his bar. JAG lawyer Noah Sandler is missing, and Rita asks Pride to look into it. Noah's computer has been erased. Rita hasn't found anything unusual among Noah's files. Noah was a volunteer at Fort MacArthur, a military academy for troubled youths. They find Noah's remains at a nearby lake. He had been shot twice in the back. Rita suspects Terence Lewis, a missing student from the academy, might be involved. Noah's body was dragged after he was shot. Lewis's commander Cabral said Lewis had recently attacked Noah, who was trying to help it. Sebastian went back into the woods looking for the missing bullets and discovers Lewis's body. It looks like hazing gone too far. Pride and Rita argue the wisdom of arresting cadets. LaSalle and Percy test the squad's guns, and the bullets that killed Noah came from Cabral's gun. The cadets start a lockdown and capture LaSalle and Percy. Captain Dorsey volunteers to go in and talk to the cadets. Loretta reports Lewis was killed after being struck in the head with an antique rifle. Cabral is following orders from Dorsey, who killed Lewis and Noah. Percy and LaSalle talk Cole into releasing them. Gregorio shoots the rifle out of Cabral's hand, then Percy and LaSalle move in. Rita sings "It Had to Be You" with Pride.

NCIS: New Orleans
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NCIS: New Orleans Season 3 Episode 16 Quotes

Gregorio: Aren't you the least bit curious about this?
LaSalle: No, because whatever this is, it isn't what you're thinking. Our King's not like that. He wouldn't bring anyone to the office.

Rita: You seem a little tense. You might want to lighten up on the keys.
Pride: Music critic, huh? Do you play?
Rita: No. I used to sing a little, though
Pride: Why'd you stop?
Rita: Lost my piano player.