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Some homeless kids are pick-pocketing at a concert, and one of the victims is a Navy petty officer, who is found dead the next morning on a park bench. Loretta said Petty Officer Thompson was executed. Everyone but Pride thinks the murder was committed by a group of gutter punks shown threatening Thompson. LaSalle gets injured trying to chase down the children. Pride sets a trap using Gregorio undercover as a tourist. They manage to catch two of the kids. Pride wants to hold the kids for 24 hours before turning them over to DCHS. Percy and Gregorio take them home to their apartment to soften them up. Pride and LaSalle find a dead boy, Joey Shelton, at a church. A man is looking for Thompson's camera. DCHF tries to take Tita and Lil Man into protective custody, but Tita escapes. KC discovers the camera is full of diamonds. The mystery man and his thugs have found Tita and KC, just as Pride and the team pull up outside. Pride figures out there were diamonds inside the camera. The diamonds came from a robbery in Dubai. The robbers had stashed the diamonds in Thompson's camera. The thieves get a message to KC to bring the diamonds to City Park. KC sends Tita in his place to make the deal. One of the thugs threatens Tita and Gregorio shoots him, and a firefight breaks out. Gregorio chases after Simon Natali without backup. Natali shoots KC, then Gregorio shoots him. Pride makes housing arrangements for the gutter punks. Pride chastises Gregorio for not following orders, and they debate over methods.

NCIS: New Orleans
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NCIS: New Orleans Season 4 Episode 9 Quotes

Percy: Way to go, Meryl Streep.
Gregorio: Bite me.

Percy [to Pride] Your mental health has a direct correlation to our job health.