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A petty officer, Theo Rollins, is murdered outside Delilah's nightclub. LaSalle is ducking calls from his father. Theo's body is found floating in Lake Ponchartrain, and drugs are found on his body. Pride's mother used to sing at Delilah's. Theo was unofficially adopted by the Hill family, which runs Delilah's. Neither Felix or Josie Hill admitted to seeing Theo at the club on the night he died. Theo was investigating drug dealers. LaSalle's dad died of a heart attack. Delilah's suddenly became solvent a few months before. LaSalle is named executor of the estate and is in charge of LaSalle Enterprises as well. Theo installed a camera in Felix's office. In footage, Felix tells Josie that Theo needed to let it go. Pride confronts Felix, then pulls him away to arrest him, just before Felix's house blows up. The bomb setup suggests the Dixie Mafia. Rachel tells LaSalle  he'll have to move back to Alabama to run the business. Josie refuses to answer Gregorio's questions. Gregorio suspects Felix's partner Neil, whose father and grandfather were members of the Dixie Mafia. Percy and Gregorio follow Josie and Neil to her house. They hear shots and find Neil dead, with Josie taken. LaSalle explains his situation to Pride. Fingerprints found at Josie's house belonged to Sam Jansen, a DIxie Mafia member who was bartending at the club. They're afraid he's going to torch the club. They confront Jansen, but the firebomb goes off. Pride goes to rescue Josie, but the ceiling starts falling from the fire. Gregorio and Percy capture Jansen. LaSalle goes back inside to help Pride. They get the fire out before the club up went in smoke. Percy talks LaSalle into going out to Delilah's, but Rachel shows up. LaSalle isn't moving back to Alabama. He's going to run the company from New Orleans.

NCIS: New Orleans
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NCIS: New Orleans Season 4 Episode 13 Quotes

Your father loved you. You gotta know that.

Pride [to LaSalle]

Pride: Hey, what's wrong?
LaSalle: My dad. He's dead.