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A man is killed by a hooded figure at an amusement park. He was Foreign Affairs Officer Spencer Morrison, in town for the Middle Eastern Trade Conference. On his first day as special agent in charge, Pride is late and goes straight into a JAG meeting. Sebastian, Gregorio, and Hannah schmooze the diplomats. Pride investigates Morrison as well and fills in the team on what he found. Morrison was a Naval Intelligence agent, looking for a top-secret document, the Khalifa Brief. Mikael Basara, a UAE delegate, goes missing. The person following Morrison was Carmen Delahoy, a translator who seemed to be helping Sebastian. Gregorio lets Sebastian know about Carmen. She invites him up to her room to see a video on her phone. Pride's aide, Steven Thompson, tries to get him to go through channels. Carmen sneaks out and locks in Sebastian, and stops the elevator Gregorio is in. Basara falls to his death. Sebastian looks up and sees Carmen, who escapes. Carmen is at Sebastian's new house. They brawl, with her ending up on top. Carmen is a British Intelligence agent. Carmen says she tried to save Morrison and Basara. Carmen found an electronic key in Basara's room, which she gives Hannah. Sebastian wants to sneak into the UAE embassy and get the pouch to which it goes. Sebastian and Carmen go to the party at the embassy, as do Pride and Hannah. Patton isolates the killer, Aram Nader, a special-ops agent turned diplomat. Carmen and Sebastian get caught by Nader and two thugs. Sebastian and Nader brawl and Sebastian sends them both out a window. The ambassador lets Nader be arrested. Carmen switched the drives and left Sebastian with one full of dog photos. Sebastian tracks her to the Toronto airport and gets the drive back.

NCIS: New Orleans
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NCIS: New Orleans Season 5 Episode 3 Quotes

LaSalle: BIg shoes to fill. But Hannah is holding her own.
Loretta: I think Pride would approve.

Are they having a bulk sale at Suits R Us?

Gregorio [to Sebastian]